I'd like to chime in with my own 2-cents and a bit of interesting "evidence"...
I do not have any issue with calling the 1973 Q-code a Cobra Jet or CJ. Sometimes the hobby is guilty of trying to be way too "absolutist" about things, without realizing that the Big-3 were ENORMOUS operations... And quite frequently, the left hand didn't have a clue what the right hand was up to. Precise nomenclature and data was all over the place, depending upon which computer database was being pulled-from, back in an era where computers and databases were primitive and not typically networked.
Anyhow, enough rhetorical blabbing, and straight to the confusion...
My black 1973 Gran Torino Sport Q-code 4-speed is listed simply as "351-4V" on its original factory invoice. However, the Marti Report lists it as "351-4V CJ Engine". Keep in mind that Marti Reports are simply regurgitations of the original data that Kevin received from Ford. He does not modify terminology just for the heck of it. So in one database that they produced invoices from, they didn't mention CJ, and in another database, they did. And anecdotally, 2 years ago this car was invited to display (which I did) at the Muscle Car and Corvette Nationals (MCACN) in Chicago, as they were doing a special Cobra Jet class with Cobra Jets from every year Ford offered. My 1973 was chosen to anchor the high side of the year range. No one at MCACN (including Bob Perkins) questions its status as a CJ.
My blue 1973 Cougar XR-7 convertible is documented as the last Ford convertible to roll off the assembly line. So it is a LATE build, July 1973. I have the original window sticker to the car, and plain as day, it says "351-CJ"
So it's pretty clear to me, Ford was confused... As usual.... Nothing new, and whether you consider it a Cobra Jet or not, you're right.. LOL..