F-ing HOA issue!


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I refuse to live in an HOA governed area. I bought a house on 1.75 acre parcel. I then built a 4 car pole barn 30x48 feet 12 feet to the rafters tall. I have it full. Parts, cars, engines, transmissions, garden tractors, wheels and good tires.

My inlaws live in a townhouse community. The HOA won't even allow a vehicle parked outside of the garage! I could never live there. I'd blow their minds firing up a big block with long tube headers freshly after a new engine build with no exhaust system on a preliminary engine fire up!
Eyesore is subjective and often deemed unenforceable. Degrariated? Wtf is that? If it is licensed and titled I would do a google search in your state for HOA and old cars. So if you had a pristine 5 ton army truck that would be ok? I have a HOA but around here they are not like the horror stories I read about. Ask them for specific definitions of what is an eyesore. If it is not defined then find the ****** that is objecting and park the car in front of their house and just sit there reading a book? Public Street and licensed vehicle? Bite me
I know some hate them, but I lived in a neighborhood without one and we had a lot of issues. Before we moved to where we are know we read the bylaws first.
Most cities have code enforcement, my son thought he would park some "project" cars at my house and I told him "does this look like a dead car parking lot?" IMO, HOA's have too much power when they can fine you for the color of your front door.
I'll toss in a few bits of my own opinion, or "advice"...

* If you buy a cover, make sure it is a BREATHABLE outdoor-designed cover. If you cover the car in plastic, you will destroy it, in very short order.

* I tend to agree, I think the car is sharp and presents well-enough that it shouldn't be triggering the wrath of the HOA. You should read your HOA covenants to see the exact wording regarding cars in driveways.. Hell, to everyone out there, read the covenants end-to-end BEFORE you buy the house!! LOL.. I was president of my POA (property owners association) for years, and then secretary after that, and it was mind-boggling how many new residents purchased their homes without ever once considering the covenants in place. Luckily, in our 'hood, the covenants are pretty mild. But you can't just park a boat or RV in your driveway long-term, or raise goats and chickens...

* "Patina".... Typically, in the European paradigm of patina (they love their patina in Europe!), the patina applies to original finishes. The entire purpose and effort is to preserve the original finishes and surfaces (plating) of the car. The paint on your '69 does not appear to be original, it appears to be clear-coat having cooked/peeled off of a more-modern re-paint. So what is it you're really trying to preserve here? That ship sailed back when the car was repainted. If you go to the trouble and expense of re-doing the clearcoat on it, you may as well make it shiny again... Because the faded aspects of the car are not original aspects. This is just me being a purist from the hippie/euro/patina police side of the aisle.. LOL ;)

COOL little coupe though!! Love the stance. Don't start a war with your HOA, or they'll micro-analyze your entire property and really make your life hell (which they have every right to do unfortunately).
I live in an HOA but we don't do things like that, of course we live in the USA (GA) unlike the OP!!:rolleyes: Betting one of your close in neighbors complained about it. If you do your cover idea they very well might find that offensive and complain about it. Yes, always read the covenents, we almost bought a piece of property to build a new house in a HOA/gated community. I was lucky (and smart) enought to get accepted into their facebook page (the homeowners/property owners). I was told to either buy an existing house or RUN as fast as I could away. The building requirements are 72 pages long!! And after talking to some local builders they refuse to build there!
Do you know where we can get a custom car cover? Read on…We received a letter from our HOA about my son’s ‘69 Mustang Coupe. It is a running, licensed, insured, regularly driven, and often complimented/purchase offered vehicle. The HOA claims it is an eyesore. “The paint is severely degratiated”. They insist we cover it or garage it. Well—the garage is full, and covering it every day and uncovering it is a pain. So no. We were discussing this tonight and the idea of a custom car cover came up—here goes:
1) car cover with the outside of the cover printed with the image of a really crappy looking car. Like a 82 Chevy Citation, with faded, chipped, missing paint, moldings missing, rust through. A different color fender and door. Broken glass…etc! License plate that has letters F U HOA… Does anyone make something like that? We love this idea!
2) fully clear car cover. I can buy plastic and we can use that, but something more durable and permanent would be better. That way they still have to look at it, but the car is covered.
3) our long term goal is to use a clear coat on the outside to preserve the patina. it will look better, not sure it will satisfy the SS, I mean HOA, but it will protect the car’s patina a bit longer.
The sad part of this—within the HOA’s own parking lot I took pictures of 2 cars with severe paint issues. I then drove 4 blocks and took pictures of 12 more cars. If I have to do it, there are a lot of others that they are going to have to fight too. I think I may have a legal fight ahead—but I really want the “crappy looking car cover”. Anyone know of such a thing?
Don't lower yourself and get an ugly car cover. Do have a discussion about the other cars and every single type of rules others may be breaking no matter how small. I think they should have more give for a classic as it is art, not an eyesore. Ugly is subjective. I would rather see that than a non-descript 4 door, but the common 4 door is somewhat invisible to me and I won't see it in front of a house. I would have posted a picture for us to see. What if you don't comply until others comply? Get all the pictures of others with a complete description and owners, dates etc. Also make a list with pictures of other violations. Send it to them and ask the status of those items. Maybe everyone should get a waver on one item to be fair. I like the idea of an HOA as long as it is fair and not biased and too petty. You do see the rules before you close escrow and agree to them.
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I don't have HOA issues because I live on 9 acres , have 3 mustangs in my barn, and have a 3 car garage. As usual I filled up the garage with junk. I had to keep my 96GT outside while I cleaned up the middle space for it. I have a White 2006 GT in the left side. But to keep the Black GT from getting covered in pollen , I bought a cheap cover for that purpose. maybe the HOA will let you use a cover for a short period of time until you can think of hoe to get around them.
Do you know where we can get a custom car cover? Read on…We received a letter from our HOA about my son’s ‘69 Mustang Coupe. It is a running, licensed, insured, regularly driven, and often complimented/purchase offered vehicle. The HOA claims it is an eyesore. “The paint is severely degratiated”. They insist we cover it or garage it. Well—the garage is full, and covering it every day and uncovering it is a pain. So no. We were discussing this tonight and the idea of a custom car cover came up—here goes:
1) car cover with the outside of the cover printed with the image of a really crappy looking car. Like a 82 Chevy Citation, with faded, chipped, missing paint, moldings missing, rust through. A different color fender and door. Broken glass…etc! License plate that has letters F U HOA… Does anyone make something like that? We love this idea!
2) fully clear car cover. I can buy plastic and we can use that, but something more durable and permanent would be better. That way they still have to look at it, but the car is covered.
3) our long term goal is to use a clear coat on the outside to preserve the patina. it will look better, not sure it will satisfy the SS, I mean HOA, but it will protect the car’s patina a bit longer.
The sad part of this—within the HOA’s own parking lot I took pictures of 2 cars with severe paint issues. I then drove 4 blocks and took pictures of 12 more cars. If I have to do it, there are a lot of others that they are going to have to fight too. I think I may have a legal fight ahead—but I really want the “crappy looking car cover”. Anyone know of such a thing?
Seriously? Some people have nothing better to do than try to cancel anyone else they disagree with. This is simply a matter of taste and the HOA (or should I say the 'Karen' on the HOA) is simply lacking. Shine the tires and keep the car clean. Make sure it never has an oil leak and start discussing it with the neighbours when you see them. This sounds like someone who has the illusion that people actually give a $#!t about what they think. Put a huge ass "I Love Trump" banner on it to see if it pushes them over the edge.
I live in an HOA community. My wife and I have three cars and two boats We have a three car garage, so two vehicles are always parked in the driveway, however, if I put a boat in the driveway, ( show worthy drag boats at that), I'll get a letter. I decided to JOIN the HOA, so I could better understand people's needs , as well as my own. I ran for office and it was a 50/50 vote, with me losing by 1 vote, which is cool, half the people were for me. Anyhow, HOA bylaws are usually complained about by a neighbor who wants to do the same thing but had his hand slapped, so he turns you in to the HOA because he can't do what you're doing. But I digress..............why get too crazy over this. Everybody on this site is a car guy, or girl, and has really no issues with your car as posted, unless the other side has been dragged against a pole or something. so you are preaching to the choir here. Why not just get a nice cover for it? Show the HOA that you really do care about the car. I mean, you could paint it too.......but I'd bet you dollars to doughnuts if you did, you'd get a cover for it to protect the fresh paint any way. I, just this week, bought an all-weather cover for my Mach, since I do park out side in the driveway, and I couldn't be happier, bought it from California Car Cover.
Hmm, maybe you're on to something. Perhaps a picture of a Prius on the car cover would go over better in this neighbourhood? I am just not the 'give in' type of person. A compromise would be ok if there was any substance to the complaint but I just don't see it.
Seriously? Some people have nothing better to do than try to cancel anyone else they disagree with. This is simply a matter of taste and the HOA (or should I say the 'Karen' on the HOA) is simply lacking. Shine the tires and keep the car clean. Make sure it never has an oil leak and start discussing it with the neighbours when you see them. This sounds like someone who has the illusion that people actually give a $#!t about what they think. Put a huge ass "I Love Trump" banner on it to see if it pushes them over the edge.
I agreed with everything you said until your Trump rhetoric. How embarrassing. I bought the worst condition house in an HOA. I had a Karen President. Every little plant, permit color etc. had to be scrutinized. Always passed since I have better taste than most of them. When I put it on the market the HOA started making up stuff to hurt my sale which I eventually overcame after a lot of research etc. I found out the next worse kept house was the HOA presidents and right across the street. They were always rude. Yes, they were big Trumpers which I found out from my neighbor who was appalled, but still could laugh about it. It's best to keep politics out of your neighborhood HOA when you might be the joke. Goes for any candidate. Yes, HOA Karens can be Trumpers.
Get the address of every HOA neighborhood board member and visit them in your Mustang. Ask if they really think the paint is "severely degratiated" and should be covered daily to protect everyone's eyes.
Then in writing, ask board to reconsider and maybe they would overrule the car paint policeman...

If all fails, start a removal effort to VOTE THEM OUT!
I agreed with everything you said until your Trump rhetoric. How embarrassing. I bought the worst condition house in an HOA. I had a Karen President. Every little plant, permit color etc. had to be scrutinized. Always passed since I have better taste than most of them. When I put it on the market the HOA started making up stuff to hurt my sale which I eventually overcame after a lot of research etc. I found out the next worse kept house was the HOA presidents and right across the street. They were always rude. Yes, they were big Trumpers which I found out from my neighbor who was appalled, but still could laugh about it. It's best to keep politics out of your neighborhood HOA when you might be the joke. Goes for any candidate. Yes, HOA Karens can be Trumpers.
Sorry to bring politics into our site, my bad. All joking aside, if you have such vindictive neighbours I feel for you. Very unfamiliar with HOA’s and how they operate but I would dig right into what your rights are within the association to ensure there is no legal way you can be penalized for having a vehicle that is in less than pristine condition on your sidewalk. As long as there is no way of having fines or restrictions placed on you by any authority I would just ignore the dicks until their actions demand reaction. It that’s just me being a respectful Canadian.

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