Not telling anyone what to buy or who to business with, BUT my personal experience with PA Performance warranty service has been pathetic.
Round 1:
Purchased their "Complete" 1G to 3G alternator kit; They forgot to include the charge wire.
Round 2:
Alternator internal fan broke loose; they eluded I was the culprit in the alternator's demise and reluctantly sent me a replacement.
Round 3:
About two years into the replacement alternator and 30 miles from home the alternator started to way over charge at 16+ volts and started squealing and smoking, it's rear bearing lost it's grease seal, threw it's grease and seized up. Amazingly PA Performance stated: "The bearing is fine, but we'll replace it for good measure"!. In addition they wanted a $30 shipping fee to return it to me. Needless to say, I gave them my heart felt recommendation on what to do with their alternator...