Ford Releases 2015 Mustangs

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Speaking of Rear back views. This looks like the 1965-66 Mustang retro rear view.




To me, the circled area below is what makes our cars look great. Ford dropped the ball as far as I'm concerned. It needs more of a curve around the wheel well.
Disagree..But thats why we got opinions .lol...I think our years are the most sleek looking of the fast backs made to that point..would not care for a hump

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Disagree..But thats why they make opinions...I think our years are the most sleek looking of the fast backs made to that point..would not care for a hump
The 2015 design is very well suited to having no kickup at all, as on Chazcron's renders.

I agree on the point that the kickup is an American muscle car tradition - if not one that carried over to some of the luxury barges as well - but the S550 looks better without it.

Though it would have been nice to see a real kickup (not one that looks "drawn" onto the sheetmetal) worked into the S550, it would need to lose its bathtub beltline before anything else. Can't style a bathtub with a kickup anyway, or you'll have the back end of an SUV.


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Come to think of it, I wonder how much of a lap joint is being hidden by that rocker panel. Removing it would help appearances (though the even LOWER rear valance ruins it all regardless).


The art of channeling...


Much better.


I've been trying since this morning to figure out where Ford stole that greenhouse from. I knew it had to be European, but it isn't from Aston Martin as everybody claims (due to the quarter window).

Figured it out 5 minutes ago. I knew that curved bump in the roof looked familiar:



It's the roofline off a stinkin' Porsche.


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It's time for Ford to steal the "Imported from Detroit" tagline from Dodge. After all, they already "imported" a few bits...


Meet the ugliest Mustang you've ever seen...or the best looking Porsche you'll ever see. Take your pick.


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Okay, I will stand on the island of thinking it is one ugly mustang.... To rounded and smooth for me... Sorry just my opinion and you know what they say about opinions " just like chevy camaro, everyone has one"

I definitely dig it! There are certainly a few styling cues that I'm not 100% on board with that make it a bit too "European" looking, but hey let's face it, Ford wanted to take the badge global for the first time ever, so with that in mind I think the designers did a hell of a good job styling it to please a global market, so kudos to them for that! I really do like how they are staying with a retro feel and just tweaking it as they move forward rather that a full on redesign. Hey, as long as they don't make another "Mustang II" mistake again I think they're ahead of the game ;) (sorry '74-'78 owners! But let's face it, 2nd generation wasn't the shortest lived generation by accident)

One more thought...having owned a Coyote powered Mustang for a few months now, you drop that thing in any car at this point and it's ok in my book :D

I won't mind owning one!!, I really like it.

But now if my kids would stop growing so they can fit in the back seat, it could be a reality, but till I don't need the back seat, I can only wish I could own one :(

I won't mind owning one!!, I really like it.

But now if my kids would stop growing so they can fit in the back seat, it could be a reality, but till I don't need the back seat, I can only wish I could own one :(
Mine are still small enough, and hell they like the car so much that even if they were too big they probably still wouldn't mind squeezing into the back of my '11. A friend of mine actually just commented the other day how funny it was to see a booster seat in the back of a Mustang. One of them is still not ready to ditch it. :p

Personally I like the new look, the front has that hint of the Aston Martin's. i think they pulled it off pretty good and those new tail lights look killer!

I just wish they would build a V8 EcoBoost and shove that baby in the engine bay.

I like the GT rear, but I just don't like the front at all but maybe it will grow on me
Chalk me up as another who is partial to the taillight panel. Can't say that I dislike the front end too much, but I'd prefer to see real headlights adorning the front end - not silver mascara.

There remains still too much to dislike:

  • Don't care for the buttress butt rear bumper
  • Don't care for the unreasonably high, fat beltine
  • Don't care for the unnecessarily complex combination of ambiguously defined swoops and curves to hide the fact that most current auto designers are inept at the concept of styling a bodyside by using no more than the three feature lines (including the bottom edge and the beltline). Either style it aggressively* or don't style it at all**.
  • Don't care for the boy-racer interior door panels.
  • Don't care for the interior lifted 1/3 from a Hot Wheels stylist's drawing board, 1/3 out of a science fiction film, and 1/3 out of the dashpad of a '65 Mustang.
  • Interior is too fat, just like every other modern car. I like ROOM to move my knees and elbows around on occasion, thank you.
  • Don't care for the stickshift that looks as if it should be stamped "NISMO."
  • Airbags or not, the steering wheel still looks like the ugly stepchild of a 1967 Ford Mustang/Lincoln Continental's steering wheel.

*As the designers did with the 1971 Mustang :D

**As the designers did with the 1965 Mustang :p

Won't matter much in the long run. They'll sell 'em just the same.

The only thing I'm waiting on is to see who'll do the first S550 independent rear conversion.


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