Ford Thompson PS pump shaft bushing.

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Sep 12, 2015
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SW Ontario
My Car
1971 Mustang Mach 1, M code, 4 speed.
I'm looking for something to do I guess. While I have rebuilt 2 - 71 F/T PS pumps with good success, I also have another that I think is the same, but not sure as I got it in a junk yard. There is no tag, but at a guess, it's the same. Actually, I got it for the pulley, not the pump per se.
The problem with this pump is the shaft bushing. I've not been able to come up with one to match the shaft, which just needs minor polishing. The dimension of the bushing are: .688" id x .813" od x 1.840" long. As said, the old bush is worn so dimensions might be off a thou or two.
I was looking through an old post from 2020 and got some good info, shaft number etc, (thanks Hemi) but no bushing number. Any chance anyone has that info???
I'm not looking for a long drawn out thread here, just the bushing number and where to get it would be appreciated.
Well, for anyone else thinking of rebuilding a pump and needing a shaft bushing, I called and the part needed, D1AZ-3B682-A is now NLA.
I supposed this means I still have nothing to do!!

Thinking more on this; if Cardone for example, can still rebuild these pumps, where are they getting bushings from? Someone must still be making them........... or are they simply reusing them.
Sorry, I contacted that you first mentioned.
When I tried to load chockostang............ my security system blocked it as a malicious site.
In your first reply, I think maybe there was some confusion as to the web address.
As said, it's no big deal for me as this pump is basically parts only, but I was in need of some little project to keep me amused.
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You can check out bronze bushing manufacturers. They have off-the shelf bushings that are very close to the size you listed. Plus, most will custom machine them. This is likely what the rebuilders are doing. Here is an example:
I already looked into that. My local bearing supply company feels that bronze will not stand up to the extreme side load placed on the shaft and ware out quickly.
Sorry, I contacted that you first mentioned.
When I tried to load chockostang............ my security system blocked it as a malicious site.
In your first reply, I think maybe there was some confusion as to the web address.
As said, it's no big deal for me as this pump is basically parts only, but I was in need of some little project to keep me amused.

Yeah, his website is pretty bad.

1624 Chock Rd
Murrayville, ILL

217 882 2083
Yeah, his website is pretty bad.

1624 Chock Rd
Murrayville, ILL

217 882 2083
Thanks Hemikiller.
While this is just a "little project" to keep me amused and out of the wife's hair, this contact info will be useful to keep on hand and for others tagging along.
I will call them to see if they have a bushing.
Your only option may be to buy sintered iron/copper (BB-16) bar stock and have it machined to size
Yeah, if only I still had access to the machine shop where I worked. We had stacks of that stuff.......... well, some anyway.
However, this pump project is not worth that expense as it's just something I'm keeping myself amused with. I don't even need it.
Thanks for your suggestions Don.
Today I called Dan at Chockostang. Even his phone line isn't the best, but I was able to find out that he doesn't usually sell individual bushings, but would work something out if I emailed him. Shipping is another issue as international would be in a "flat rate" box. A simple padded envelope would do in the mail.
Anyway his email is [email protected] if anyone else is interested.
For me, I think I'll put this on the backburner, it's not something I need. I have a spare rebuilt pump on the shelf.

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