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'68 Plymouth Satellite
Kit, I find it hard to believe that nobody mentioned a third car until now, which would bring the whereabouts of that one into question as well.
Honestly, there isn't enough in the film for me to positively ID the intact car in the one scene where both cars are in the same shot, but I did come up with some things upon tonight's viewing.
I'm providing photos of the previous observations of my past posts, plus new ones. I'm too tired to list everything, so I'll post my conclusions in the morning. In the meantime, please make do with the captions.
First off, let me preface this by noting that the ONLY consistency measure that Halicki seemed to put effort into were the tires mounted to any given car. The beauty car wears both the dual-line white pinstripe tires and the Goodyears in the film, depending on the scene and the car it is representing.
Every single shot with a "beauty" Eleanor or interior shot uses the same Deluxe interior car with the standard seats. This is established when the car is driven off from International Towers. Note that the beauty car has speakers in the sportdeck inner quarter panel fillers:
No center console; must be a shorty:
Beauty car exits International Towers. This was shot separately from the crash immediately following, which substituted the crash car:
Possibly the only shot of the crash car prior to any crash. Not enough details to see here:
Halicki gets rear-ended by the Cadillac. The whole car bulges in the center for a second, and the left framerail and quarter permanently bend down from the hit. The beltline on the quarter bends down as well, and the panel puckers twice over the wheelhouse.
Note the strip of steel extending from behind the rear framerail - this is part of the "skidplate" installed in anticipation of shooting the jump later.
From here on out, all damage scenes show a car with a sagging rear quarter and framerail. You can damage a framerail with a sledgehammer, but to bend the entire quarter of an intact car to perfectly match this one would be very difficult without a similar impact. Note that the car carries the sag to this day:
Eleanor spins out. Only shot we have of the RH side before cutting to a different angle. Note the jagged, horizontal damage on the quarter, near the end cap:
Car comes to a rest. Big impression in the fender, crumpled hood, flat front tire, rear leaf spring or a shackle gives out:
Pole lands in FRONT of the car, while the lamp's shroud falls down behind the car:
New angle, different camera, but the dust is still flying and the pole is in the proper location. Compare the damage to the end cap area of the RH quarter with the end cap damage in the previous spinout shot.
It's the same car and the same take - Halicki was just lucky to have a crew sitting on the off-ramp expecting to shoot the car jumping over the median to get to the exit ramp:
We move to a new angle from the front. This begins the completely new take. The pole now sits on top of the car, while the lamp shroud is sitting on the trunk. RH fender has the exact same creases in it as the car that spun out into the pole.
Conclusion? Same car, different take - thus beginning the "new week" of filming after repairing the car and putting the light pole back into place (after running off with it following the previous shoot).
Eleanor drives off; quarter has the correct creases in it, and it's sagging. Same car that pulls out from under the lamp, which is the same car that ran INTO the lamp and got repaired. Not the greatest shot to show the sag (the creases are plain as day though), but I'm not going back into VLC tonight to prove it.
Eleanor comes off the highway. Same creases, dents, and bends - including the two creases on the rear quarter, which can't be replicated that easily.
Halicki spins out after jumping. Skid plates are there, as are the two creases and the sag - with more to boot. The original crease marks remain there, along with the new ones:
First car wash shot. Beauty Eleanor, and we don't know quite which one it is. There is a Mopar C-body fuselage car next to a pole.
Halicki pulls into the car wash. Some sort of wagon/SUV crossover is parked under the Shakeys Pizza Parlor sign:
Cutscene shows Halicki driving by with unknown beauty Eleanor in back. Kit has hypothesized the beauty car to be a third Eleanor; I disagree.
The beauty car seems to have a slight bumper gap here, but it's so small as to be debatable. Also take note that the wrecked Eleanor is the same one we've seen all along, with the skidplate straps from the jump, correct dents, sag, etc.:
Back to the previous angle. The Mopar C-body is back there, so we know this and the shot from the road were taken at the same time.
The cutscene where both cars are visible at the same time may have been shot the same day with the same cars, but it was a different take - you would have seen the camera and crew next to the phone booth otherwise.
Junker rolls up for a wash. Same wrecked car we've seen for the last 40 minutes. Lighting appears to be a bit past noontime/afternoon:
Same car in the reverse shot too, with standard door panels. Also pay attention to the convertible first-gen Camaro convertible.
Beauty Eleanor gets taken through the wash. Note that bumper gap, then compare it with the second picture from the warehouse sequence earlier in the film. Same car. Actress in the background is wearing the same dress as the later shots. Unusually good Halicki continuity here, which makes me think that this scene was NOT shot months before or later.
Beauty Eleanor comes out of the wash. It's the International Towers interior/exterior beauty car - note those rear panel speakers (enhanced in the photo), if the deluxe interior with standard seats don't convince you.
Also note that the Camaro has now moved from the entrance (at the back of the building) to the front. Sunlight is not high in the sky like previous shots, and it appears to be setting. This was not shot the same day as the previous scenes - earlier or later, maybe.
Beauty car drives off (Deluxe interior w/stnd. seats). Trunk has two rough spots.
(Completely by chance, say "Hello" to what looks like the Vailiant from Duel in the background - though it appears to be a 2-door)
Wrecked Eleanor rolls out of the wash. Deluxe seats. Same wrecked car as the last 1000 shots - not a substitute - and the car that survives today (with the same exact damage).
Camaro is in the background; this was shot the same day as the previous scene ("we have to rewash it") with the beauty car. The Camaro and the '59 El Camino - along with some others - do some bouncing around the car wash, so these are likely Halicki's own vehicles, trucked in to fill the scenes.
The LAPD rolls by the car wash in a '70 Montego (Gone in 60 Seconds Montego trivia: 1-Baker-11 is a '70 Montego as well, but the '70 grill inserts were removed and a '71 grill stuffed in the center as a quick replacement). The blue wagon/SUV is gone, and the parking lot at the hotel across the street has changed entirely. Not the same day as the previous take where Eleanor rolls in.
Cutscene shows that the Camaro moved again. It shows up in the next shot when the Montego drives in, but this shot was not captured from the Montego as it rolled in, as no camera is visible in the car with the officers.
Eleanor wreck is the same car that hit the pole and did the jump; damage matches up.
Geez, that took a while...
Honestly, there isn't enough in the film for me to positively ID the intact car in the one scene where both cars are in the same shot, but I did come up with some things upon tonight's viewing.
I'm providing photos of the previous observations of my past posts, plus new ones. I'm too tired to list everything, so I'll post my conclusions in the morning. In the meantime, please make do with the captions.
First off, let me preface this by noting that the ONLY consistency measure that Halicki seemed to put effort into were the tires mounted to any given car. The beauty car wears both the dual-line white pinstripe tires and the Goodyears in the film, depending on the scene and the car it is representing.
Every single shot with a "beauty" Eleanor or interior shot uses the same Deluxe interior car with the standard seats. This is established when the car is driven off from International Towers. Note that the beauty car has speakers in the sportdeck inner quarter panel fillers:
No center console; must be a shorty:
Beauty car exits International Towers. This was shot separately from the crash immediately following, which substituted the crash car:
Possibly the only shot of the crash car prior to any crash. Not enough details to see here:
Halicki gets rear-ended by the Cadillac. The whole car bulges in the center for a second, and the left framerail and quarter permanently bend down from the hit. The beltline on the quarter bends down as well, and the panel puckers twice over the wheelhouse.
Note the strip of steel extending from behind the rear framerail - this is part of the "skidplate" installed in anticipation of shooting the jump later.
From here on out, all damage scenes show a car with a sagging rear quarter and framerail. You can damage a framerail with a sledgehammer, but to bend the entire quarter of an intact car to perfectly match this one would be very difficult without a similar impact. Note that the car carries the sag to this day:
Eleanor spins out. Only shot we have of the RH side before cutting to a different angle. Note the jagged, horizontal damage on the quarter, near the end cap:
Car comes to a rest. Big impression in the fender, crumpled hood, flat front tire, rear leaf spring or a shackle gives out:
Pole lands in FRONT of the car, while the lamp's shroud falls down behind the car:
New angle, different camera, but the dust is still flying and the pole is in the proper location. Compare the damage to the end cap area of the RH quarter with the end cap damage in the previous spinout shot.
It's the same car and the same take - Halicki was just lucky to have a crew sitting on the off-ramp expecting to shoot the car jumping over the median to get to the exit ramp:
We move to a new angle from the front. This begins the completely new take. The pole now sits on top of the car, while the lamp shroud is sitting on the trunk. RH fender has the exact same creases in it as the car that spun out into the pole.
Conclusion? Same car, different take - thus beginning the "new week" of filming after repairing the car and putting the light pole back into place (after running off with it following the previous shoot).
Eleanor drives off; quarter has the correct creases in it, and it's sagging. Same car that pulls out from under the lamp, which is the same car that ran INTO the lamp and got repaired. Not the greatest shot to show the sag (the creases are plain as day though), but I'm not going back into VLC tonight to prove it.
Eleanor comes off the highway. Same creases, dents, and bends - including the two creases on the rear quarter, which can't be replicated that easily.
Halicki spins out after jumping. Skid plates are there, as are the two creases and the sag - with more to boot. The original crease marks remain there, along with the new ones:
First car wash shot. Beauty Eleanor, and we don't know quite which one it is. There is a Mopar C-body fuselage car next to a pole.
Halicki pulls into the car wash. Some sort of wagon/SUV crossover is parked under the Shakeys Pizza Parlor sign:
Cutscene shows Halicki driving by with unknown beauty Eleanor in back. Kit has hypothesized the beauty car to be a third Eleanor; I disagree.
The beauty car seems to have a slight bumper gap here, but it's so small as to be debatable. Also take note that the wrecked Eleanor is the same one we've seen all along, with the skidplate straps from the jump, correct dents, sag, etc.:
Back to the previous angle. The Mopar C-body is back there, so we know this and the shot from the road were taken at the same time.
The cutscene where both cars are visible at the same time may have been shot the same day with the same cars, but it was a different take - you would have seen the camera and crew next to the phone booth otherwise.
Junker rolls up for a wash. Same wrecked car we've seen for the last 40 minutes. Lighting appears to be a bit past noontime/afternoon:
Same car in the reverse shot too, with standard door panels. Also pay attention to the convertible first-gen Camaro convertible.
Beauty Eleanor gets taken through the wash. Note that bumper gap, then compare it with the second picture from the warehouse sequence earlier in the film. Same car. Actress in the background is wearing the same dress as the later shots. Unusually good Halicki continuity here, which makes me think that this scene was NOT shot months before or later.
Beauty Eleanor comes out of the wash. It's the International Towers interior/exterior beauty car - note those rear panel speakers (enhanced in the photo), if the deluxe interior with standard seats don't convince you.
Also note that the Camaro has now moved from the entrance (at the back of the building) to the front. Sunlight is not high in the sky like previous shots, and it appears to be setting. This was not shot the same day as the previous scenes - earlier or later, maybe.
Beauty car drives off (Deluxe interior w/stnd. seats). Trunk has two rough spots.
(Completely by chance, say "Hello" to what looks like the Vailiant from Duel in the background - though it appears to be a 2-door)
Wrecked Eleanor rolls out of the wash. Deluxe seats. Same wrecked car as the last 1000 shots - not a substitute - and the car that survives today (with the same exact damage).
Camaro is in the background; this was shot the same day as the previous scene ("we have to rewash it") with the beauty car. The Camaro and the '59 El Camino - along with some others - do some bouncing around the car wash, so these are likely Halicki's own vehicles, trucked in to fill the scenes.
The LAPD rolls by the car wash in a '70 Montego (Gone in 60 Seconds Montego trivia: 1-Baker-11 is a '70 Montego as well, but the '70 grill inserts were removed and a '71 grill stuffed in the center as a quick replacement). The blue wagon/SUV is gone, and the parking lot at the hotel across the street has changed entirely. Not the same day as the previous take where Eleanor rolls in.
Cutscene shows that the Camaro moved again. It shows up in the next shot when the Montego drives in, but this shot was not captured from the Montego as it rolled in, as no camera is visible in the car with the officers.
Eleanor wreck is the same car that hit the pole and did the jump; damage matches up.
Geez, that took a while...
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