Hail protector


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That's a nifty invention... Glad I live in a "weather neutral" part of the country. The downside here is the perpetual dampness can lead to rust and mold. The exterior rubber seals around the glass on my Mustang always try to grow that green mossy chia stuff and needs to be cleaned off constantly!

Typical "sounds great on paper" invention.

Most hail is accompanied by a storm with high winds. How does your protective "sail" hold up to high winds?

You can even "activate this with a remote"... which means you must cover your car virtually every time you park it... just in case there's a hail storm.

OK, so all kidding aside... this could save a few... but really?

That's what's called "storing your project car and all its parts in plain sight of the bastards from code enforcement - and getting away with it."

