Hallo from Germany


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May 30, 2017
Reaction score
My Car
1971 Covertible with 351C 2V
Hallo from Germany 

My name is Christian and I am 30 years old.

Since 1 year I have a Mustang Convertible with 351C 2V. I have often problems where I can not find help in a german forum, because there are not so many Mustangs of 71-73 in Germany.

The reason why I have not registered here earlier is my bad English. 

But I hope with the help of Google to get everything translated.  

And with the help of this forum to get everything to repair.



Hi Christian welcome from the Netherlands! I live in a town ( Gennep ), 5 minutes from Germany . Don't worry about the difficulties with english, everybody is here to help! Nice car you have!

Hello from Mississippi. What a sharp looking convertible! Don't worry about your English, it's fine. I believe you will be surprised when you find out how many members we have outside the U.S. Never hesitate to ask if you have any questions. There is a lot of experience and knowledge here and everyone willing to help in any way possible.

Welcome to your new Mustang home! [emoji41]

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Hi and welcome from Amsterdam! I think you will like this forum, I joined with the same reasons. Don't worry about English, just try and you're doing fine so far :)


Welcome from France.

Here are a few guys from Germany, you'll find them, or they'll find you.
