Heater vacuum pods check-out


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Well-known member
Feb 5, 2013
Reaction score
Mount Prospect Illinios
My Car
1972 Fastback, Sportsroof
Re installed heater box with new seals, without a/c components, and all faulty vacuum pods replaced. Hooked up heater control and fired up the beast. All vacuum lines in engine compt. hooked up, the vacuum canister was checked and held "ok" a while back. I get strong airflow only out of the defrost vents. Moving the selector around I get no movement from any pods or valves. Manually moving the temp blend valve, ( a push pull hook up), does get me a little warmer air from the vents. The only things common to all these pods that I can see are the canister, and the octopus connector. Is there a way to check out the octopus connector?

This is the first time since I have had the car that ALL the vacuum lines were hooked from the heater control to the water valve, and the canister, and I also noticed that the car was running a little rougher than it did before..........maybe bad gas from the bottom of the tank from sitting so long, or a vacuum problem?

You can disconnect the octopus and disconnect itfrom the motors then blow air through each tube. That will tell you if something is clogged most Likly the mechanical climate control valve manifold is bad. That is the climate control piece with the hand levers you move on the face. I had to replace mine, something broke or clogged internally and I had the same issue I would move the levers and nothing would work. Replaced it and everything worked correctly.

A piece of junk can get clogged inside it and then jam up the air pathways.

You can disconnect the octopus and disconnect itfrom the motors then blow air through each tube. That will tell you if something is clogged most Likly the mechanical climate control valve manifold is bad. That is the climate control piece with the hand levers you move on the face. I had to replace mine, something broke or clogged internally and I had the same issue I would move the levers and nothing would work. Replaced it and everything worked correctly.

A piece of junk can get clogged inside it and then jam up the air pathways.
I will do the "blow check", but where did you find the climate control manifold online without having to buy the whole heater control?

I got mine from a donor car, but yea pretty much you need the climate controls as one piece.

I got mine from a donor car, but yea pretty much you need the climate controls as one piece.
The rough engine idle goes away when I remove the front vacuum hose from the distributor, and it feels like I have a slight bit of air pressure coming OUT of the nipple from where the hose was removed.I have a dual diaphgram distributor I am assuming. That is another issue I will deal with later, one thing at at a time.

I am going to try to see if there is any obstruction in the hoses or control and go from there..........

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I got mine from a donor car, but yea pretty much you need the climate controls as one piece.
Swapped the 2 lines in the engine compt for the canister and the water valve, and now everything works. Really embarrassed because I thought I had checked and rechecked which line went "where" from the firewall. Anyway, everything is sucking and blowing the correct way now. Thanks for your help..............

Oh awesome...

It's so easy to mix up those vac lines, the color bands on the hoses are very hard to see and most have faded off.

Congrats :D
