Holy Cow! Look at this 71 Mustang on Ebay


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I just sent him a message through ebay! Maybe he will join the forums! His phone number is listed in the add, but I don't really want to bug him by phone...LOL!

Based on the mileage, I would say that he is a Collector. I would be almost willing to bet that the other cars are also 429CJ/SCJ.

That is really a "GREAT" price...too bad I just purchased the Marauder:)! The First Lady would give me ALL kinds of grief.


Saw that the other day as well, you gotta wonder what else he has off camera!!

the sad thing is i could buy it :( but then what would i do with my Piece of poop

It looks like he has one of every color. I noticed that there are even more cars under the ones on the lifts. I wonder how he decided which one he'll sell next...maybe a spinning arrow on a color wheel. LOL

Had I won the mega millions last night that's what my garage would look like in short order. Unfortunately i am still confined to looking and drooling this morning.

If that car is what he says it is, its a good deal even at the BIN price.

The contact page gives a number to call for private showings (918-645 4543). This is a Tulsa, Oklahoma number. It sounds like he is open to showing the cars. Anyone interested?


The contact page gives a number to call for private showings (918-645 4543). This is a Tulsa, Oklahoma number. It sounds like he is open to showing the cars. Anyone interested?

Yes I am ! I wonder if he would take a trade ? That guy has every 71 -73 owners dream ! One of each model ! What I wouldn't give for a Boss 351 ! Of course it could not be all original or con course,because I would have to hang a foot in it.You know "Drive it like you stole it!"

Mustang 4 (2).jpg
