How to camo your weapon

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Well-known member
Mar 4, 2012
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Colorado Springs, Co
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1973 Mustang Mach One
Alright I know I have asked more questions than should be allowed by law, so I figured I would try to give back a little. I have been in the Army for 9 years as a 19D Cavalry Scout( Forward Recon), during my time in the Army I have been very lucky to go to a lot of fluffy schools, to every Marksman School Offered.

I have seen some of the top shooters in the World come in and show us how to camo our weapons and I figure I would pass it on to anyone that maybe has that in their mind.

Now first many people will tell you to never shoot more than three colors, Wrong shoot as many as you want and if you dont like it then repaint and do it again, you cannot mess up cammo

Too many people pay a lot of money to have people to it for them and it is not worth it when you can use some simply household items and do the same thing

Make sure you know the area you plan on using your weapon, What I mean is if you are going to hunt in Arizona do not paint it dark. You want to make sure in dark areas you use forrest greens OD green and even brown and blacks, some people like to use whites and lime greens and it give you away.

Now you are not going out to hunt people and you are simply using it to break up the outline so bambi won't see you until you are pulling that trigger.

Okay here goes, you will need spray can paints, don't waist your money on the so called cammo paint, just regular flat. ( at least two)

Some thin rope, and even some extra cords of small rope in the pics you will see white 550 Cord and I used the guts at the end to break up the major outlines

You also need some mesh bags or you can even use simply leaves in your yard. You can get a mesh bag at wally world and it can be used over and over.

1. Tape off all areas of your weapon so you do not paint lenses, needed markings, insert or out ward areas where the bullet comes out.

2. Wrap the cord around the weapon, This is optional it just help you add another layer of camo without painting you will see

3. Paint your base coat, I went with brown, make sure you dont get carried away again it is camo so if you still have areas shown it is okay you will break it up later.

4. Add your net across the weapon, Again you can hold it in one hand and spray with the other, I like to lay it on the weapon and move it so it lays on the weapon so when I spray it makes a good pattern.

5. After you are done go back through with another color and make the same strip or spray the same way you did with the first coat but go in front or behind of the first one,( now this is very debatable but trust me making the paint flow one way or another is important if it starts going back and forth it will be seen)

6. Remove the cord you put on your weapon in step 2.

7.Once you get done go back through with the thin strips of guts from a string or even take blades of grass and place it over the weapon and spray I used tan then went back over with black. This is very important to ensure you do not have too much of one color.

8. Take your tape off all the places you covered, and enjoy.











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Great post, thanks. How do you like the FN AR? I'm looking for a SA 7.62x51 and keep coming back to the FN AR as being best bang for the buck. Chuck

Well there are a lot of deal out there on this weapon now. I bought this one for 900 off a buddy who onwed it for one week and he paid 1850. So for the price I paid I love it. I sold my Mark4 leupold which I still kick myself for, but the twist is awesome trigger is smooth and comes loaded with rails which is handy. Sa is a great weapon as well, I have seen pros and cons on both but they are both minor stuff like people using junk ammo. Where about a do u live chuck

Nice job...How does that paint hold up on them? And did you use high temp bbq paint or anything? I would of done this too my Colt AR....But i traded it off for my AMT 45 win was just a plain jane colt monkey grip special ...But would of looked neat camo....Here in washington its a bit hard to pick your camo...Cause your either in thick green tall grass....Rain forest in some places..Or desert where im at...70 miles from me the place turns into a diffrent

Unless u powder coat overtime some will wear off. The hand guard is the first but with the layers u put on it will offset them. Use reg flat paint, the rest is more money and not worth it. Again this a way not the way. I might make a video so everyone can see. Pictures are not that great

The great part about there is u can use one color of each and it will help for all areas. I used tan and beige in irq and afg and simply went over it and I had a lot of counter sniper ops and even my guys could not locate me. Keep the pattern flow forward slant or rear slant straight up and down is bad since most thing have a natural bend and when wind blows it will give u away

Unless u powder coat overtime some will wear off. The hand guard is the first but with the layers u put on it will offset them. Use reg flat paint, the rest is more money and not worth it. Again this a way not the way. I might make a video so everyone can see. Pictures are not that great
Yes..Make a video of it..Matter of fact...If you do make a video..i can edit pretty good..Ad any music you want ...and any font you want it too say....i been playing around with movie maker for a while now..And not too shabby at it...And love making gun video' if you dont got the time or not sure how to edit...heck i can make star wars lazers fly out of it if i want..hehe

Well there are a lot of deal out there on this weapon now. I bought this one for 900 off a buddy who onwed it for one week and he paid 1850. So for the price I paid I love it. I sold my Mark4 leupold which I still kick myself for, but the twist is awesome trigger is smooth and comes loaded with rails which is handy. Sa is a great weapon as well, I have seen pros and cons on both but they are both minor stuff like people using junk ammo. Where about a do u live chuck
At $900 it was the deal of the century! If you find another keep me in mind. The Mk 4 is hard to beat. I'll bet the FN AR likes a heavy bullet. I'm in central Oklahoma, just west of OKC. Went to the range today (pistols). My wife out shot me with aimed fire, Kahr MK9. But I smoked her on the combat round. Being right handed with a right eye that is "not right" screws up the aimed fire a bit. I'm trying to learn to shoot left handed with the rifles but, target acquisition is kicking my ass with the scoped weapon. The weapon with the eotech is a pure joy to shoot right handed. Thanks for the pictures and thank you for your service. Chuck, USAF, 1973-77

I made a video but it is way to big to fit

Well Chuck if you are really strong right handed you might try to put tape over your left eye and see if that helps train your right eye. I still cannot believe I got rid of my MK4 but the price was right and yes I keep you in mind there is always great deals around here. Soldiers buy stuff and at the end of the month they are willing to sell it just to get by. Thank you for your service I am going to open a new thread on weapon parts so maybe someone will get some parts they are looking for. Ill try to get this video going

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I made a video but it is way to big to fit

Well Chuck if you are really strong right handed you might try to put tape over your left eye and see if that helps train your right eye. I still cannot believe I got rid of my MK4 but the price was right and yes I keep you in mind there is always great deals around here. Soldiers buy stuff and at the end of the month they are willing to sell it just to get by. Thank you for your service I am going to open a new thread on weapon parts so maybe someone will get some parts they are looking for. Ill try to get this video going
awww well..if you got the time..Upload it too me...and i can crunch it and make it smaller bit size...... just send it too [email protected] ...and ill see if i can make a good demo out of it for ya....i can even upload it on youtube if you need so you can watch it any time and paste it all over...and give you the credit of cource..cause a camo video would be a great add on too my ...And if you got a youtube account...ill send it back too you can upload it...If not..i can for ya...all up too you..Looks like some good work thou. This is my youtube channel...All vids are made by me and edited....I called it mark and michael productions ...cause the guy who got me into making them...its his camera!!...I didnt even want to do it at first..But its become fun real

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Sometimes being a little off works too,lol.

Video is posted right below the pictures

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