How to replace hood hinge springs?

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May 14, 2014
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Port Charlotte, Florida
My Car
1972 Mustang convertible
I just bought a set of repro hood springs from NPD for my Ram Air hood. I've never replaced hood hinge springs before. How is this done? Do I have to take the hood off and remove the hinges from the car, or can they be done in place? Any special tools required?
I use the ole' country boy method, a fan belt. Hook your spring on back mount groove and pull front over forward mount groove with the belt. Just make sure belt is on the outside of spring end curve or it will be trapped.
I'm sure there is another way, but it works for me!
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I just bought a set of repro hood springs from NPD for my Ram Air hood. I've never replaced hood hinge springs before. How is this done? Do I have to take the hood off and remove the hinges from the car, or can they be done in place? Any special tools required?
I used an old fan belt to stretch the spring with the opposite end installed.
I did it the old fashion way, I used a trucker’s load strap and my truck, and kinda come-alonged it into place. Those suckers are hard to install, at least new ones are.
I did the same thing that Steve McMahan did. The NPD replacement springs are really strong! I too, used my truck to attach the load strap to.
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The fan belt trick will work just fine. If you have difficulty pulling hard enough, get a friend to help pull on the belt.
If you are replacing the springs you may consider tightening up the hinge points which wear over the years of use. When I bought my 1971 fastback a year ago I noticed that the hood closed crooked until it was almost closed. Someone installed 1 spring instead of a pair so the hood closed crooked and wore the hinges. I removed the hinges and closed the gap with a big hammer, punch and vise and have good hinges now. It is superfluous but I had the hinges as well as ALL small parts powder coated matte black to make the engine area look spiffy.

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