ill never forget this day in history..May 18, 1980

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Apr 16, 2011
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1973 mach 1
May 18, 1980......Ill never forget the day Mount St Helens exploded.....My eye wittness account of that day...I was out riding my new bike my dad got me for my birthday...My brithday was may 9th....was out with all the kids on the block...And boom!!.Ground rumbles....Sky turns the prettiest blue i ever seen...coming from where mount saint helens is....Huge lighting bolts flew over....I guess they was so powerfull they flew 3 times around the earth...Then all our parents ran out side and yelled at us too get inside!!!....We took a few pictures...By 12 afternoon it was pitch black...You couldnt see a thing....I went outside in a hospital mask and collected some fresh ash....I still got the jar in my room to this

This is just one of a few pictures we took before the clouds started dropping on us.

I was too young to remember it but my parents had a couple Gerber baby food jars of ash from the eruption. I took my family to the interpretive center a few years ago and it's still a very powerful landscape. Pictures don't really do it justice.

I was too young to remember it but my parents had a couple Gerber baby food jars of ash from the eruption. I took my family to the interpretive center a few years ago and it's still a very powerful landscape. Pictures don't really do it justice.
Yup..dont do the day but still's of the time had a hard time catching such events live....Only the classic land slide pictures are some of the best of the time.

The harry truman song...classic
The events in our lives we and many more share that will not be forgotten anytime soon. Ours was the Albion, Pa tornado. Was playing golf with my brother when debris started to fall and it was 15 miles away!

I was nine. I remember the news pictures & my teacher talking about it. I had forgotten today was the anniversary though. Thank you for reminding and for the video.

Did you remember to bring your new bike inside?
Lol...It was put in the shed right was red stingray with the shifter...drag slick tire...banana seat...and everything....Just before BMX started to take

I remember that old guy. He didn't want to leave his house. He ended up buried in it. Sad.
Yup..Well i dont blame him realy...He was 80 years old....A ww1 vet...He been threw hell and even buried his wife there...he had no family left.....and knew if he left he would be stuck in a old folks home to rott...I guess it was his way of being remember forever...The old guy who refused to leave his home,..Some called him a nut....But he didnt have much but that place anymore to live for.

His place is now buried in over 300 foot of mud and ash.

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I was walking out of a restaurant in Vancouver, Wa. and looked up to see the ash cloud starting to form. I remember the news accounts of total blackouts from the ash cloud in Eastern Washington. I had a '70 Cougar stored in Yakima and brought it back to Vancouver about 6 months later. The first time I turned the heater blower on, it blew ash in my face while I was going over the I-5 bridge.


PS, my birthday is May 10. Happy birthday to us!

I was walking out of a restaurant in Vancouver, Wa. and looked up to see the ash cloud starting to form. I remember the news accounts of total blackouts from the ash cloud in Eastern Washington. I had a '70 Cougar stored in Yakima and brought it back to Vancouver about 6 months later. The first time I turned the heater blower on, it blew ash in my face while I was going over the I-5 bridge.


PS, my birthday is May 10. Happy birthday to us!
oooh yes..yakima and all the little towns after it...Like us...was pitch black.....Cop cars had to make filters to keep there cars runing it got so was so deep and thick.....Like a nightmare snow....Still got the cougar? hehe..And happy brithday man..Mine was the 9th...11days oppss....I was just a kiddy when it happend...but ill never forget that day.

I was walking out of a restaurant in Vancouver, Wa. and looked up to see the ash cloud starting to form. I remember the news accounts of total blackouts from the ash cloud in Eastern Washington. I had a '70 Cougar stored in Yakima and brought it back to Vancouver about 6 months later. The first time I turned the heater blower on, it blew ash in my face while I was going over the I-5 bridge.


PS, my birthday is May 10. Happy birthday to us!
oooh yes..yakima and all the little towns after it...Like us...was pitch black.....Cop cars had to make filters to keep there cars runing it got so was so deep and thick.....Like a nightmare snow....Still got the cougar? hehe..And happy brithday man..Mine was the 9th...11days oppss....I was just a kiddy when it happend...but ill never forget that day.
I don't have that one, the ex totaled it long ago, but I have another one sitting in my yard waiting for a little TLC.

