LEDs for dash


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 The ALT socket is integral with the circuit board, not separate. Perhaps someone has jerry rigged it before. The Alt socket is located, looking from the back at the C/B bottom right corner. Older instruction sheets from Hi-Po Parts had this wrong showing it at the top right. Hopefully it has been corrected by now. This is for idiot lights only, no factory tach or clock (tic-toc).

See attached diagrams which are the OLD incorrect ones for Elite and Extreme Bulbs. The ALT socket is still the bottom right seen from behind as mounted to the cluster body.

ALSO, I first used Extreme, but changed them to ELITE Series which are way better. see second diagram. Kit #FC7173FM-EL2 original factory color. Other colors are available if you prefer.

Hope that makes some sort of sense,


EDIT NOTE: Got my bulbs mixed up, Sorry, this is now correct.
Geoff, what was it you did not like about the exteme bul  kit? The website says the elite kit does not have full dimming ability whereas the extreme kit does. Could you elborate. Thanks
The extreme bulbs were not bright enough, barely different from 194 bulbs. I chose to retain the blue domes as I want the original look. My domes were not discolored and in perfect condition. Not all are for sure.

I have no obvious issue with the Elite bulbs not dimming. They work fine. The website dose say however, "they will be dimmable in most vehicles" BUT LED's won't work in the turn signals without a special LED flasher/relay, available from Hi-Po Parts (and likely others suppliers). I believe it has a separate ground wire if I remember, Hi-Po scu is RELAY-LED-02. I used 194 bulbs in this location, but I may change next year as I want to install LED's in the rear lights. It seems there is a lot of "stuff" the manufacturers and resellers don't tell us, but would be to their benefit if they did.

Hope that clears up your question.
Perfect. Thanks

Nice deal. Shame I just spent 95 dollars on HiPo leds last week.... ;-)
Question...what is bulb number for the center dash gauges (2 required) don't think they are 194s and can't find any written specs anywhere for those, haven't had my center dash out yet to look...thanks for any reply regarding that...AveageJoeRestoration.com has a list for all early mustang light bulb replacement on charts, every bulb but the center dash guages bulbs, duh. fmjcraig

Craig, I know exactly what you mean by looking for things to do on your car. I'm in the same boat, always trying to find something to "fix"

 I'm definitely NOT the guy to talk to regards electronic stuff, dumb as a stump there, but one thing I did find out is that old, worn out HL switches are often the cause for dash lights not working or not working well. The dimmer resistor thingy wares out, so it appears the lights don't work.

As for the headlight relay, sounds like something to look into. I installed Halogen sealed beams in my car with great results. I can actually see the road at night now! Could they be better?

Hope I've been of some help, so good luck with it and let us know the results later,

Will do, and probably replace it first, a new switch is pretty cheap and available, and very easy to do...the switch in the car is original and seems to work and potentiometer (dimmer) cycles from out to dash map light on but being over 40 years old it can't hurt to change it out...will let you know on results. I was looking behind dash last night and am amazed that the condition of all wiring, harness tags with the part numbers, it looks as if the car was built new yesterday...absolutely no corrosion, not even dust. I did notice the plug under the passenger seat is unplugged and the fasten seat belt indicator on the passenger side dash is also unplugged, maybe the previous owner didn't like the chime or buzzer going off every time he started it? Makes me not want to plug it back in...Craig
Craig, there is no seat belt buzzer wiring under the drivers seat. The seat belt wiring runs along the inside of the rocker to the seat belt retractor. Depending on your cars options the wires under the drivers seat could be for the seat back release actuator and a male/female plug that is an 12v power source that is unused in mustangs. It is a common wire harness used in cougars for power seats. The passenger seat side does have a seat belt wire that plugs in to the seats pressure sensor and then runs to the retractor. Like the drivers side, the passenger side may also have a seat back release actuator wire/plug. I have pictures of these harnesses if you need them to help identify these wires.

I'll take some pictures tomorrow and send them to you
Here is photo of plugs under passenger front seat, also noticed plug that plugs into right belt retractor socket is unplugged...
