Looking for a 71-73 Mach 1 from the dry south (Arizona)


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Tony, you just described my car. Too bad I am not ready to sell, just bought it this summer. I bought mine for 8500 and spent a good bit since then.

Should I LOL or send a frowny face? My car is posted at 14500 and not one of you recommended it.......:mad:

But for the record...my car had ONE spot on it the size of a half dollar that I documented with pic's before, through the process and after. Ordered in Texas and has resided in Texas for 43 years and garaged most of its life. I'd say mine is a steal based on what I see on the market.

Hi all, just joined following Steven Harris' recommendation in the Mach1club.com

I am in the search for a 71-73 Mach1 Mustang with a 351C. My main requirement is that the body is as clean and free of rust as possible. I can handle fixing the mechanicals, but I don't want to deal with extensive and expensive body work. The recommendation from the Mach1club is to look for options in the Phoenix-Tucson area.

I like this idea but my main issue is that I don't want to fly all the way out there from Wisconsin to find out the car is not what it is supposed to be. I need the help of someone local to take a first look at the car. Then if all looks good and matches pictures/description then I will fly there to close the deal.

At this time I am not yet ready to pull the trigger, but will be soon. Any thoughts?

Thank you.
if you want an immediate on the road or if you want to do it your way with no surprises that might be up the road-go for a good price and farm it out for rotisseried near you or a good priced band pro body shop as advertised in central FL or in TX then modded frame-suspension then to how you want the performance to cosmetics looks of what i would do if i did mine all over. PS AFTER REREADING INTO FURTHER DEPTH OF YOURS IT DOES NOT APPEAR YOU NEED SUCH A RADICAL COMMENT AS MINE@ WELCOME FROM LATROBE PA

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