Congrats on making the pages, Mark! ::thumb::
I'm surprised they gave you that much space to be honest... being a '71-'73. That, and along with a nice article about Boss 351s... I think that's the best way for my subscription to end (I didn't bother renewing it, and I think that's the last issue).
---- end here if you don't appreciate soap box pontifications ----
I can't imagine why the editor would do such a thing by having so much '71-'73 exposure in one issue, after so many have gone through with absolutely none at all. I mean, there's even an ad with a '71 as well. On the average in the past 7 years I've been a subscriber, only two issues per year feature anything regarding '71-'73s, and even then, the editorial staff and/or writers take those opportunities to express their disdain and bash the cars - some, more subtly that others, but all comments are still definitely insulting in nature.
Take this month's editorial, for instance. Half of the piece is dedicated to how much Rob Kinnan hates '71-'73s. He just puts it right out there. The underlying theme of his piece as I interpret it is basically, "I can't believe I actually signed off putting so much '71-'73 coverage in this month's issue because I hate 'em so much." He goes on to admit why he probably hates 'em (which is a fairly common reason, but one of the weakest ever in the car world - "When I was younger, I lost a race to a '71 Mach 1... so now I hate 'em all because I hold grudges."), and even takes a parting shot in the form of a half-assed back-handed compliment, saying that he should probably be driving one because the rearward visibility is so crappy he might not be able to see the past.
He reminds me so much of the celebrities these days that use their power of celebrity as a bully pulpit, supporting their favorite agendas and shaming people who don't agree with them. I don't appreciate them, and I don't appreciate him either, as a proud owner of a '71 Mach 1 that I brought back from the dead. I love all Mustangs... and sure, I have my favorites, but they're all awesome cars, I will drool over anybody's pride & joy because that's their pride & joy, and I believe the community has even greater potential than what it currently enjoys - if it could just let go of the hate for '71-'73s, Mustang IIs, and Fox-bodies.
To sum it up, I think Rob Kinnan's an ass (because "POS" spelled out would get bleeped on TV), and that's why I quit my subscription.