My 408 build. ITS ALIVE!!!!

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Thanks Guys!!! Well i got the motor all buttoned up and everything is all hooked up last night. Primed the oil pump, dropped in the dizzy, dumped a little gas down the carb, hit the key and she cranked, over and over and over:huh: WTF?? Started checking around and found that I had no spark. Got my meter out and checked everything. Coil is good, dizzy is fine. I have power going into the msd box but NOTHING coming out!! Seems like i finally found my problem from last year. Bad MSD box. Last year my car would just shut off going down the road or it would start to miss. I would turn the key off and back on and it would fire right up. I have been suspicious of the box for some time now ,b ut every time i checked it it was work ing fine. Well it seems to have finally **** the bed! Still trying to get this thing fired up for the big car show sunday. So i dont have time to order a new msd box, so i went to advanced auto parts and they had one on the shelf. So $200 later im the proud owner of a new MSD 6AL ignition box. I am going to try to get it in either tonight after work or first thing Saturday morning. Stiill have hope of making the show sunday!!! I will keep you all posted.

MSD boxes fail more frequently than MSD will admit. Dont forget the breakin oil! I stuck one of those $50 magnets on my filter during breakin just to be sure shavings stayed outta my engine. Im sitting here waiting to hear if you got it started !

Well I got it fired up and holy SH*T!!!!! Now thats a motor!! You cant beat the grin off my face, although it did come with some headaches over the weekend and several large quantities of beer being consumed! :D

Well i got the new MSD 6al box installed friday night after work and I finally have power coming out of it!! YAY!!! JUmp in crank it over and over and over WTF??? Not again! Started checking more stuff tracing everything out. Then i check the dizzy. Its not sending out a signal to the coil! Tear it apart and find out that its the magnetic pickup that went bad!

Its now around 130 am friday night and im not happy. Drink a few more beers while i pout and stare at my motor. Then i realized i had an old msd dizzy under the bench from my old 302 that broke the shaft. I tear my bench apart looking for it and find it. open it up and sure as sh*t its the same pick up. I tear it out and swap the pickups and reinstall the dizzy. Its now 330-400am. I really shouldnt fire this thing up but what the hell! I hit the key and it lights up!!:D And wow did it sound good. Got the timing set and adjusted the idle and it sounded great! But way too late and way too many adult beverages consumed for a test ride. but it LIVES!!

I get up on saturday and call my dad to come up and help me set the hood on and we can go for a ride. Get the hood on and fire it up to pull out of the garage and my 6yr old son says stop something is dripping. Stop and look and the z metal line to the power steering pump has a pin hole in it and is spraying fluid all over my fresh motor!! NICE! Get that all cleaned and make a run for some tubing. Flare myself a new line and install it and everything is good. Fire it back up and me and dad take a little cruise.

Motor ran great! Throttle response is unbelieveable. It will definately set you back in your seat. Got home after a short run and went to fire it up and the battery was dead. I check it and its not charging.What the hell now??? Was getting late and didnt have time to mess with it.

Didnt even touch it sunday cause we had alot of stuff going on. But i did pull the alternator today before work and i am going to have it tested. Figure its either that or the regulator. But whe n i took off the alt. the one wire was loose, so i hope that was the culprit! We will see tonight.

But any how sorry for rambling but this has been 7-8 months in the making and its finally RUNNING again!! Still have some bugs to work out. Will need to dial in the carb and maybe tweak the timing or the springs in the dizzy, but its ALIVE!!!

Also on a side not I did take some pics of the finished motor installed and even had a video of the start up and a little burnout, BUT as per the weekend was going i jumped in the pool sunday with my phone in my pocket!!! So when i get a new phone i will post up some pics and a video for you guys. And thanks for all the help, replies and well wishes through this whole build!!!

::congrats:: that is wonderful news...except the phone thing...skinny dipping will eliminate that problem, or in my case chunky dunkin

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Good job by the 6 year old.

Congrats, I want to hear it, I need the inspiration. My build had better not take more than 3 months or I'll be a pissed of son of a bitch. I hate that I am missing the summer, but if I miss all fall and finish a build just in time for winter storage, I'm going to come unglued.

Sweet!Can't wait to see & hear it in a vid,I could stand a little tire smoke too!:D

That is awesome!! Now come help me with mine!! hehehe..jk...You need to post the film up of it runing...Im sure it a

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