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Well-known member
Jul 24, 2011
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Biloxi Ms
My Car
1967 coupe, 1972 coupe 2000 F150, 1989 Airstream B190, 2005 coupe.
I have a 1972 coupe, 1967 coupe,very poor computer skills, have not figured out how to make post in forums on this site. I need info on step one . I was Born oct. 22, 1935, I need things explained to Me more than once these days. Ignorance is curable, stupidity terminal.

It appears that you have figured it out:)! I did send you an email explaining how to respond to a thread, an individual post or how to start your own thread.

As an aside, many questions relative to the Site are addressed under the FAQ (Frequently Asked Question) Section which can be found under the "More" button to the right and at the top of the page.

I look forward to interacting with you on the individual Forums - - a Sincere Welcome!


Welcome to the site from Virginia. Trial and error works alot for me when trying new things on the internet. How about telling us some history of you and your Mustangs.

Welcome to the forums! Glad to have you aboard!


::welcome:: and quite admirable that an "old timer" like yourself is taking on the internet! No offense meant, as my dad was born in 1924... We haven't convinced him to get "internet" or computer capable, but he does read our emails at my brother's house.

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