nice looking ebay car in NC

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Seems odd to me that a Mach 1 would have standard seats, standard door panels, and the standard passenger side dash without the trim. Was it possible to order a car this way, or has the interior been majorly messed with?

Seems odd to me that a Mach 1 would have standard seats, standard door panels, and the standard passenger side dash without the trim. Was it possible to order a car this way, or has the interior been majorly messed with?
Yes, standard interior was available on Mach 1's. I have a friend who ordered his from the factory in 71. He paid for the go fast stuff (ram air, 4speed). But was too cheap for interior upgrades.

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Incorrect bits: The deluxe center dash panel, stripes, wheel lip moldings, shifter ball on the toploader, aftermarket radio, and speakers that have been jammed in the door and rear sportdeck panels.

Problems: The rear of the interior and headliner have lots of evidence of mold that has not been killed off yet. They've compensated by spraying the hell out of everything vinyl (and some of the plastic) with Armor-All. Paint looks like an older lacquer job that is on its way out, one paint chip in the hood end cap, overspray over all the fender bolts under the hood. Rubber filler neck shroud in the trunk has been shot with paint along with the rest of the trunk and the filler neck itself. Can't tell how well they replaced the trunk floor here, because I bet that's why it has been sprayed.

Broken or missing: Dome light lamp shroud is cracked, seatback frame hinge cover on the RH seat is missing, radio is missing a knob.

Honorable mention of restoration stupidity: Who left the left-hand door striker on the car when they shot between the gaps? Inexcusable.

Otherwise, it does seem more or less original. Yes, you could get a Mach 1 with standard interior:


You could get it more base than that even, with no tach, no gauges, and no full console.


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Car is looking so nice and wonderful for the drive. It is the latest model of this cars and very famous in the market due to best shape, design, price and quality.

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Incorrect bits: The deluxe center dash panel, stripes, wheel lip moldings, shifter ball on the toploader, aftermarket radio, and speakers that have been jammed in the door and rear sportdeck panels.

Problems: The rear of the interior and headliner have lots of evidence of mold that has not been killed off yet. They've compensated by spraying the hell out of everything vinyl (and some of the plastic) with Armor-All. Paint looks like an older lacquer job that is on its way out, one paint chip in the hood end cap, overspray over all the fender bolts under the hood. Rubber filler neck shroud in the trunk has been shot with paint along with the rest of the trunk and the filler neck itself. Can't tell how well they replaced the trunk floor here, because I bet that's why it has been sprayed.

Broken or missing: Dome light lamp shroud is cracked, seatback frame hinge cover on the RH seat is missing, radio is missing a knob.

Honorable mention of restoration stupidity: Who left the left-hand door striker on the car when they shot between the gaps? Inexcusable.

Otherwise, it does seem more or less original. Yes, you could get a Mach 1 with standard interior:


You could get it more base than that even, with no tach, no gauges, and no full console.

So just reading over a few post and noticed that every car for sale that someone posts, you just blast. Basically saying they are not worth buying, blah , blah , blah. So going by your guidelines I would assume your car is worth about 100-300 depending on the day. I have a friend in Florida who would be willing to pick it up for say 200. Man it seems people who supposedly loves these car are our own worst enimies. I hope evryone of them sells for outrageous amounts.

Incorrect bits: The deluxe center dash panel, stripes, wheel lip moldings, shifter ball on the toploader, aftermarket radio, and speakers that have been jammed in the door and rear sportdeck panels.

Problems: The rear of the interior and headliner have lots of evidence of mold that has not been killed off yet. They've compensated by spraying the hell out of everything vinyl (and some of the plastic) with Armor-All. Paint looks like an older lacquer job that is on its way out, one paint chip in the hood end cap, overspray over all the fender bolts under the hood. Rubber filler neck shroud in the trunk has been shot with paint along with the rest of the trunk and the filler neck itself. Can't tell how well they replaced the trunk floor here, because I bet that's why it has been sprayed.

Broken or missing: Dome light lamp shroud is cracked, seatback frame hinge cover on the RH seat is missing, radio is missing a knob.

Honorable mention of restoration stupidity: Who left the left-hand door striker on the car when they shot between the gaps? Inexcusable.

Otherwise, it does seem more or less original. Yes, you could get a Mach 1 with standard interior:


You could get it more base than that even, with no tach, no gauges, and no full console.

So just reading over a few post and noticed that every car for sale that someone posts, you just blast. Basically saying they are not worth buying, blah , blah , blah. So going by your guidelines I would assume your car is worth about 100-300 depending on the day. I have a friend in Florida who would be willing to pick it up for say 200. Man it seems people who supposedly loves these car are our own worst enimies. I hope evryone of them sells for outrageous amounts.
+10 To that!

Incorrect bits: ...

So just reading over a few post and noticed that every car for sale that someone posts, you just blast. Basically saying they are not worth buying, blah , blah , blah. So going by your guidelines I would assume your car is worth about 100-300 depending on the day. I have a friend in Florida who would be willing to pick it up for say 200. Man it seems people who supposedly loves these car are our own worst enimies. I hope evryone of them sells for outrageous amounts.
+10 To that!
I'm gonna chime in here real quick because I feel like this could get personal real fast.

I appreciate what Kurt said here. The seller on the page very clearly claims that the interior is "100% Original"

As someone who could be a buyer of the car, having the falsities of this claim pointed out in detail is a very helpful and useful thing.

If the post said something along the lines of "Mostly original" or "Slightly Modified" maybe I'd take more exception. But with all the false claims on eBay having someone with a discerning eye pick the car over and point out all the little things that I may have missed (or not even know to look for) is a really nice learning experience.

What I've not seen Kurt do, is tear into someone's personal car and rip on them for the modifications they've made in the pursuit to what they want their car to be (maybe he's done this and I've just missed this, but I like to give people the benefit of the doubt)

I personally would love to see these cars start going for 30k-50k seeing as I already own one ;)

OK Here is what's up. (IMHO)

If a car is listed as 100% original or completely stock or concourse restored to perfect factory delivered condition, etc. the gate is open for complete scrutiny. And if another enthusiast can point out the inaccuracies of the advertised vehicle - that is great for everyone but the seller. But again - if the seller is misrepresenting their car - what is wrong with someone pointing out the maybe not-so-obvious changes from original?

While some may call it 'blasting', I would call it pointing out misrepresentations by the seller, aka 'false advertising'. If your car is modified to your liking, simply represent is as so. Again in my opinion some of the very best performing and looking 71-3 cars have been modified in one way or another. If they are done well I like them all.

So with that said, buyer beware but also do your homework. These cars are worth what they are worth. This is not a site used to degrade any cars for the intent of harming. If anything is mentioned it is to better inform others with the intent to educate to keep people who do not depict their vehicles accurately from taking advantage of a potential poorly informed buyer.

Sorry this was sometimes wordy but I hope you get my drift.



I personally don't take any offense to Kurt pointing out misrepresentations made by a seller or issues with the car for sale. The misrepresentations may not even be on purpose but it's good to have a qualified eye point them out. I wish Kurt had examined my car before I bought it, he could have saved me some bucks in the negotiations.

It's a totally different matter of pointing out issues with a sellers car than doing it with a member's car who just wants to share it with us (unless that person is asking to have possible issues pointed out), I haven't seen Kurt do that.


Quote "Honorable mention of restoration stupidity." Seems a bit harsh to me.
Yeah not words I would have used, but the car looks like it had a decent paint job but the painted door striker does stick out like a sore thumb in those photos.

While some may call it 'blasting', I would call it pointing out misrepresentations by the seller, aka 'false advertising'. If your car is modified to your liking, simply represent is as so. Again in my opinion some of the very best performing and looking 71-3 cars have been modified in one way or another. If they are done well I like them all.

I'd probably blast my own car to smithereens if anyone attached a similar description to it - restored or not.

It is not even close to perfect, and I can make you a laundry list of stuff that makes me cringe on it. I don't plan to sell it, but you can bet your last dollar that I'll be listing everything in nauseating detail if I do. To hell with squeezing more money out of it - I want the buyer to know what he or she is getting.

Quote "Honorable mention of restoration stupidity." Seems a bit harsh to me.
Macco-worthy overspray on a mass-produced, 40-year-old car - at the tune of $18,000? That takes some serious chutzpa, even if the seller wasn't claiming a quality restoration.

I deem it "stupid" because the painted door striker is as obvious as parking the Space Shuttle in my driveway.

I gave it "honorable mention," because it would take all of $10 and a trip to Discount Auto to wipe that Earl Scheib clunker look off off the door jamb.

But - price aside - consider this:

Somewhere in the course of the restoration of this car, someone simply couldn't be bothered with either removing or replacing that door striker. That isn't workmanship - anyone with that attitude doesn't have any business working on any vehicle. That's the type of person who builds pre-fab office furniture with the pressboard on the wrong side - and leaves it like that, even though it'd only require undoing a few screws to fix it.

Just imagine - if they let the door stricker slide, what can't you see that they pulled half a dozen shortcuts on? Improperly installed cotter pins? Vacuum booster linkage half-loose to the brake? 50% of the dash screws installed, the other 50% missing? Rag joint stretched so that the pins don't engage anymore? Various other things that might kill you if they fail when driving?

I might add that cars "restored" to these standards and not disclosed as such will - in the long run - hurt the hobby. If you have enough enthusiastic newbies overpaying for junk and finding themselves $10k in the hole for body and engine work after buying a $15,000 hack job, you'll wind up with a bunch of very bitter, upset people who'll "never buy another old car again."

Speaking of which, that's why there are so many late C3 Corvette "project cars" still hanging around in driveways with big price tags on them. Most owners overpaid for the looks, but nobody warned them to look for rust in the birdcage or frame until the seller was long gone, counting his cash, and chuckling to himself.

Fact is, we've said far nastier things about that $132,000 Shelby 1-of-4 "continuation" monstrosity just because of the price, the kooky dashboard, and the Shelby name applied to a car that's not a "continuation" of anything. What's worse - a zany upholsterer or a sloppy bodyshop?


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