Our dog returned home this morning - gone for two years


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Jul 8, 2010
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Coastal Alabama
My Car
So we bought a pure breed cocker spaniel puppy in Nov 2009 that I had a love-hate relationship with. Even though the kids wanted this puppy, literally begging us for it as their Christmas present, Dad (me) was the one who took care of it. Sure they would play with and love on her but it was just me to care for her. Lulu had the spirit of Houdini in that she escaped from the fully fenced back yard and then again from the secondary underground backup electric fence and shock collar that I had cranked up to maximum that I installed once I realized filling in the holes she dug under the first fence was a wasted effort on my part. She got through both fences almost daily and roamed our street until I got home in the afternoon.

In May/June 2011 Lulu got out as usual and I could not find her that afternoon. The kids were crying and I was searching the whole area. Nothing, no signs of her. She gone, as Phil Robertson says.

This morning as I was driving away from the house I had a flashback moment when I thought I saw Lulu in the rear view mirror. I had to turn my head to do a double take. Sure enough, there she was two years later bouncing up the sidewalk like nothing had ever happened. I stopped, got out and she ran up to me. She looks fine. No collar but obvious that someone nearby has been taking care of her and evidently she escaped from them this morning. I gave her food and water and placed her in the laundry room until I figure out what to do. What if the new family has young kids who love her? We still have her pedigree papers and former leash.

Prior to Lulu we had a chocolate lab who also was Houdini dog that managed to clear our 6-ft wooded privacy fence. He was quite the jumper and one day he too didn't come back. What's next...Return of Java the labrador later this week? Java does have a chip implanted between his shoulder blades that registers us as his people.

What will the kids think when they get home from school?
I'm sure they will be quite excited. Maybe they'll give her a bath. I should have left a note on the door that says "Please wash whatever you find behind this door."

Wow what a story. I'm glad she found her way back.

I have a border collie who was very good at escaping. You have no idea the number of times I walked the neighborhood and she would stay right out of my reach and I'm pretty sure she was laughing.

She almost died after one escape (by my hands) when I learned the rich neighbors had taken her in and were giving her a puppy massage. Crazy rich folks

A year ago we went on a health kick and now my wife runs her two miles everyday. She loves to go, but at 10 she is warn out when she returns. We can leave the doors open now with no worries.

I have a border collie who was very good at escaping. You have no idea the number of times I walked the neighborhood and she would stay right out of my reach and I'm pretty sure she was laughing.
Oh I think I have an idea how it went down. I did say it was a love-hate relationship on my part.

We have a mini Aussie with a herding instinct so strong, that he cannot stand it if he's not near us. We have never had to use a leash. He stays in our yard, and stays by our side on walks (although we usually leash him off our property).

He is the most amazing dog I have have ever known

Very cool Don, I'm happy for you and your family!

We once had a Siberian Husky that dug out under our backyard fence and was gone for a week, he turned up on his own at our front door with a mouth full of flowers in his mouth. It was a Kodak moment. We have no ideal which neighbor he stole the flowers from.

So Lulu is still missing. This dog looked exactly like our Lulu could be her twin even. However Lulu's tail was docked and this dog's tail wasn't. It was an exciting and then a sad day. It was kind of nice having Lulu around.

Can anyone guess what the kids are asking for now?

I'm sorry to hear that this was not Lulu, but don't give up hope of an eventual return as dogs have been known to travel hundreds of miles to return to their owners, or have sometimes returned after many years

I know a guy that about 10 years ago that heard a scratching at his front door opened it and there was his ferret that had escaped 1.5 years earlier. The cage was still in the same spot and the ferret went straight to it and laid down. The ferret was healthy so apparently someone else must have had the ferret for a year and a half and it escaped from them.

One of our neighbors said she would keep her until the owner can be found since she already has dogs. Because the dog looked exactly like Lulu I dubbed her Lutu while she was with us. Get it? Lu-two. I crack myself up sometimes.

Now if I can just get my neighbors to keep my cars in their backyards...
