Please identify these parts from 351c tear down

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Well-known member
Apr 27, 2019
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My Car
1971 mustang mach 1 351c 4v auto fmx
1968 mustang gt 302 4v 4 speed
Howdy from Idaho,

Over the last 2 days my visiting father in law wanted to help tear down my 1971 351c matching # engine for a rebuild. Being I needed to go to the bathroom several times during this procedure( I'm getting old as well) I would often come back to more bolts in a bucket, that wasnt I.D'ed. I finally logged and bagged all the parts but I have a group that I can not identify. I asked the father in law and he said I dont know. Well he is 86 now so he probably doesn't know.

Please look over the picture and help me identify them, parts do belong on the engine................Many Thanks for your help! 

If I make it to 86 I hope I am able to help disassemble a classic American V8. ;)

Not only disassemble a classic American V8 but then put it back together at a high performance level then get on the go pedal and drive it like you stole it, smoking the tires off of it with your head out the window smilin' and screamin' like a banshee!!!

Rocker arm bolts with the oil baffle/dripper thingymabobers
Boy do I feel stupid  :-/ there was only 14 other ones just like it staring at me. Thanks guys for the speedy response and accurate assessment of the thingymabobbers. 

I'll pay it forward!
