sub frame connectors

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May 26, 2013
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My Car
1973 red convertible 351 4 V
I just bought some Global West sub frame connectors' for my 73 convertible.  I am not a welder and am going to have a shop install them. What would be an average cost to have them installed. I am in Michigan.

John J

Don't know the prices in that neck of the woods but here is southern Ohio welding prices are all over the place ranging from  $75 to $120 an hour.  Also have to pay travel time to most of  them if they are coming to you.  I would figure no more than 2 to 3 hours tops between the prep time and actual welding provided the car is on a drive on lift.  I would try to get a fix price if you can.   It took me about 4 hours to do mine working under the car lying on a creeper. Car was on ramps and jack stands. 

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I'd think a shop that does custom exhaust work could do it for you in under two hours. Make sure whoever does it has the car on a ramp lift, not a two-post lift with arms. 

The prep and fitting time will be more than the weld. If you clean all the paint, sealer and crud off for them you save bucks. Get them fitting and if all they have to do is weld only an hour maybe at most. You might even consider using some sheet metal screws to hold in place. Drill some holes in the connectors where you can put in sheet metal screws into you rails. Then you drive over and all they do is weld. Take the screws out and plug weld the holes.

I am a welder, and Mine took 4 hours including jacking, leveling, cleaning the frame metal and welding them in. Just be careful near the gas tank. Good luck!
Im not a welder but it took me 5 hours max. Great improvment, having a lift is helpful. Welding almost upside down is not fun.  And as Omie01 says watch the gas tank.

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If you are thinking of lowering the car be cautious about installing the frame connectors. On my 73 vert I had installed eaton springs  1" drop springs. That drop with 225/60/15 BFGs on the front only left about 4" of ground clearance with the frame connectors in place. I really wanted Frame connectors on the convertible but now have to decide whether to go back to a stock height spring or get taller tires or some combination of both to get adequate ground clearance for everyday street use.
