The console clock question?

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I've had a 50% rate of recovery (1 of 2). Took a while for it to "revive", had to restart many times of the course of a few weeks.
The 2nd one wasn't so lucky, I think it took too much oil and burned up.
Member Goodnigh has a friend who build him a capacitor bank about the size of a Zippo lighter that attaches between the clock and the factory wiring to the clock. Goodnigh said that with this device, the clock runs like normal from the factory without any worries of the contact points in the clock frying when the battery runs low. His friend gave him permission for anyone to use the schematic so they can build one for themselves. I've attached a link to his posting.
See post #29 for the link to the schematic.
I eventually gave up after having the clock fixed and converted. Then I realized the clock was very hard to see and not practical anyway. So I decided to add gauges in that location. But again, my application is non-original and very customized.

I had my clock rebuilt by Clock Worx. It was about $100-ish. Works great!
Mine was converted to Quartz by Instrument Service of Illinois. It worked great for a few months and then it worked intermittently. Sent it once under warranty and the same thing happened a few months after they repaired it. I gave up after that!