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May 4, 2024
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West Columbia
My Car
1973 Mustang Convertible
I need some help with the best car insurance because State Farm sucks they don't know a classic car if it bit them in the butt. The vehicle in question is a 1973 Mustang convertible. I am willing to take all suggestions I know one good company is Hagertys. Thanks, everyone.
What kind of issues are you having?
In addition to the daily drivers, I have State Farm for my 71 Mach1 . When I got the policy, I just had to send different exterior views as well as mileage and interior shots. The Declarations page has the car listed as "antique or classic motor vehicle" with an agreed value.
Maybe try a different office / agent??
The term "Classic" is a term only relative to the year of manufacture. I have State Farm, and I have full coverage, at a figure which I derived from Value Guides. Initially, they told me "No Way, we won't pay out that amount if you total it", but nicely requested a slew of photos to prove my claim of value. I probably took 30-40 photos of everything, exterior views, panel alignments, interior close ups, under hood views, tires and wheels, put the car up on a lift and took suspension photos, and on and on. The main office put a person on the phone with me and asked additional questions, I could tell they were concerned with modifications, even down to tire size. They ended up fully covering my car for exactly what I asked for without jacking up my policy. What I took away from that, was, they seemed to be more comfortable with it being original and stock appearing, and well maintained. Insurance companies see aftermarket wheels and immediately say "uh-oh". It would seem that vehicles with modified interiors, engines, paint jobs, exhausts, little boy pissing on Camaro stickers, and such, doesn't bode well with insurance companies. Immaculate maintenance works in your favor.
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I haven't had any issue with Hagerty with my old cars. They did ask for pictures to help backup the stated value.

My mom had progressive who insured her classic car for the full value she paid for it, just based on her showing them the bill of sale.
I've had Hagerty since the late 90s without issue. We have three cars insured with them, for a total value of $75k and the premium is about $500. Never had a claim, but I've seen positive experiences from others who've had to make one.

I quoted Grundy and American Collectors a couple years ago and they were within a few dollars, so it made no sense to switch.
I have American Modern. Agreed value if totaled, liability, uninsured motorists and collision matching my regular insurance values. They requested pictures of the exterior, interior, and engine compartment.
It’s insured for pleasure and parade use, not everyday driving. They do require it to be kept in a garage. Nice thing about them is I can add a second car and not be charged again for liability. $250 a year.
I got a good rate from American Modern - they represented both Haggarty and AM and both appeared very similar but rate for AM was better.
They do require it to be kept in a garage. Nice thing about them is I can add a second car and not be charged again for liability. $250 a year.
When I did my policy through Hagerty, they played 20 questions and it included how the cars are parked/stored. They accepted garage, driveway, pole barn. I don't remember if they were OK with street parking.

I do know they had a problem with the terminology of "I park that MOFO in the yard". Even though I have paved parking spots in my yard, which is inside a fence and a gate and that is much safer than parking in my driveway or along the street.

I was with Leland West , which just got bought by Hagerty. I am switching to

$170 Cheaper a year and allowed to drive around town / out to dinner/ to work a couple times a month which Hagerty does not allow
They did not give me any sort of restrictions like that. They just want to make sure every driver in the house has their own daily driver car. They did not place any restrictions on when and where I could drive.
I use Hagerty also. They have been very good to me. Had an accident and they covered everything and didn’t raise my rates. I just recently bumped up the guaranteed value and they didn’t ask for any pictures, did it with no questions asked.
Hagerty, on my renewal suggested that I raise my stated value from $26k to $31.5k. I readily agreed!
Like the rest of the guys, I went with Hagerty. A few questions and then they asked for the value. No hassle. Last year, I dropped in a new performance engine and tranny and I asked for $45k. They asked why and I told them of my build and it was done.
Always used Haggerty for my classic cars, never had a claim however. I do have State Farm for my DD and years ago, when I asked, a person in the office told me not use SF for a classic car, not sure if anything has changed. But now I see State Farm classic fueled by......Haggerty? Personaly I just cut out the middle man and used Haggerty direct.
I had Hgerty's for a dew years, but then found out my umbrella liabilioty would not extend to the play cars unless I insured through the same carrier that I had my umbrella policy with (USAA). They have an affiliate program with American Collectors. So I cut over. Their rates were about the same as Hagerty;s, aand they to do a nice job. No calims filed (I hope I never need to). I kept the classic car towing policy with Hagerty's, in assition to having AAA.
I have Hagerty for a long time with no claims. $316 a year. I just paid it.

I guess i'm the odd man out. I have J.C.Taylor to cove 3 of my Mustangs. 2 1996 Mustangs and my 72 mach1. The mach is only one I have a replacement value of what I value it to be on. MY 2006 GT is with Allstate with my other cars. I don't take the mach1 out usually except for shows.

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