Gauge lights go out

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Sep 27, 2022
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My Car
Green on green 72 Mach 1
Would anyone know why all my instrumentation and radio cuts out for a couple seconds and comes back on. I can hear what sounds like a circuit breaker click and reset and sounds like it’s coming from the glove box area but not 100 percent sure.
I don’t know if I’m correct but is there a circuit breaker built into the headlight switch?
Also my blinkers work perfectly with the headlights off but the fronts don’t work when the headlights are on bit the backs do.
If radio goes out at the same time as instrumentation, then there's a problem at the ACC feed to the fuse box and an intermittent cut-out. Could also be at the ignition switch, where BAT is transferred to ACC power. None of the main ACC power feeds have circuit breakers, but some accessories may.
Headlight switch has a rheostat on it to adjust the instrument light brightness. Possibly dirty contact or spring on the rheostat . Might need a new headlight switch.
Another vote for RacerX's suggestion. I've cleaned the contacts simply by rapidly twisting the headlight knob back and forth. It'll clean some of the corrosion off. If that does the job. Remove the switch and clean the rheostat coils and contacts.

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