New Member - Ford Mustang Mach 1 1973 - 63R

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Nov 15, 2024
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The Netherlands
My Car
Ford Mustang Mach 1 - 1973 - 351C 2V.
Hey everyone, first post here, coming all the way from The Netherlands 😁About 6 months ago, I became the proud owner of this 1973 Mach 1. It’s always been a dream of mine to own a classic Mustang! Actually the first and last time I saw a model like this or similar on the street was about 18 years ago... (now 33) just to give you an idea of how rare these cars are over here!

I’ve actually been a longtime lurker on this forum, but I figured it was time to introduce myself, so i can also finally start posting in topics like "What did you do to your car today".

The car runs and drives great, though with a wet winter here and salt on the roads, it’s currently parked in the garage while I work on a few things. As far as I know, it still has its original paint, and I absolutely love the color! It has a different stance, some '71-'72 bumpers, but unfortunately, the previous owner swapped out the Mach 1 grille. To my knowledge this specific 63R came with this flat hood, like the one in Gone in 60 Seconds.
While I really love that look, I also have a soft spot for the common "NASA" hood. I do have the original build sheet, but I still haven’t fully decoded it yet, and I definitely want to get my hands on a proper Marti Report!

The interior isn’t in as good shape as the exterior and is a bit rough and missing a few parts, like the radio bezel, the radio itself, the seatbelt light cover, and some small plastic bits. I'm in the process of sourcing all those original parts and restoring it to its former glory!

It does have the Deluxe interior with the avocado color scheme, but I’m working on adding more black while keeping the green for the most part.. My goal is to create a better black-to-green balance instead of feeling like I’m sitting inside an avocado haha, at the same time, I want to maintain an original look. I know it’s subjective, but in the end, it’s my car, and I’ll do whatever I like with it.. just like you can and should with yours!
Although for the "original" look I won't be touching the steering wheel, seats, or carpet, so no real upholstery changes.

I’m sure some people won’t be fans of the wheels, but hey.. I love them! That said, I also really appreciate the classic American Racing wheels with white text on the tires!! So maybe I’ll swap them out in the future, but for now, that’s definitely not a priority!

Apologies for the LONGGGGG introduction 😅 I love this forum, so many cool cars! I occasionally get genuinely inspired by all the DIY projects and the knowledge being shared by different peeps > I’m looking forward to sharing more content and updates on the car.

Here are some photos and a video, I'm dont have alot of info on the engine, but maybe it sounds like it might have different cams.


  • Mach 1 - 1.jpg
    Mach 1 - 1.jpg
    8.8 MB
  • Mach 1 - 2.jpg
    Mach 1 - 2.jpg
    10.1 MB
  • Mach 1 - 3.jpg
    Mach 1 - 3.jpg
    3.7 MB
  • iPhone - Mach-1 - DK - DFA.mp4
    23 MB
Welcome from East Tennessee. One of our moderators actually lives in Luxembourg. My wife and I spent three weeks in Denmark and Norway two years ago and three weeks in Germany and Austria last year. The Netherlands are next on the to get to list, maybe next year. I like the wheels but I am a fan of its your car build it however you want so.........good luck with finding parts and building what you want.
Howdy, Dimar, and welcome from Texas! Congratulations on your Mustang! We have a couple of your fellow countrymen who are members here and several other European members. I look forward to seeing you around forums!
Welcome from Australia, nice car! A nice thing today about being an international Mustang owner is the relatively easy (though sometimes expensive) accessibility of parts from US based vendors and ebay via the internet, and also access to great forums for like-minded individuals like this one.
Great introduction, and of course we’re all glad to welcome you. I love learning of your avocado interior pony and that you want try to maintain it with a few exceptions. Not too many of these since it’s a 73 only color. You’ve got a Beautiful car!
Wow, thanks for the warm welcome, everyone! It’s really cool to see how international this community is, shoutout to East and South Tennessee, Texas, Chicago, Canada, Australia, Oregon, Idaho, Alabama, Florida, and everyone else who chimed in😁

Awesome to hear y'all appreciate the Mustang’s style. It’s great to get that kind of feedback from fellow enthusiasts. I’m looking forward to putting my own touch on it while keeping its ‘73 soul intact. I also appreciate the compliments on the photos. (I’m actually a professional videographer and drone operator since 2013, so you can definitely expect some cinematic “Mach1” content coming to this forum🎬😁)

And to answer a couple of things: Yes, I did find this Mustang here in the Netherlands. Finding parts can sometimes be a bit tricky but at the same time much has been reproduced, but the real hassle like you said is the extra cost from shipping and taxes :( Also, I actually didn’t know the '73 model had this color only, thanks for the info > It makes me appreciate it even more.

That’s awesome that you @Tnfastbk have been to those countries! If you enjoyed them, the Netherlands should definitely be on your list too, it’s sort of a bit of everything of those countries but then in a flat way 😅

Looking forward to hanging around here. I’m not to fast on my replies but I will get there 😁

Hey gap, welkom :)

Nice ride you got, I like the stance and wheels! Pity the front got ruined to a 71 look hahahaha, sorry folks, I just like the big cake-spoon in front ;-)

I got my garage in Aalsmeer. If you want to see what a torn down 73 coupe looks like you're welcome to have a look.

Take it easy,
