Hey Zach...sorry for my delay in responding...been traveling all day. I would say in the first hour the temp will go up between 18-22 degrees from it's starting point based on my Thermometer. Here's a picture of my set up below, and let me explain. The wall my garage heater, thermostat and wall clock/Thermometer are adjacent to the living room on the other side. This is an insulated wall. The wall the left of this picture is an uninsulated outside wall. The Wall to the right is an insulated wall adjacent to living spaces. Of course the other wall has the overhead door and is uninsulated. The ceiling is not insulated directly over the garage but the attic space is all connected and is insulated over the living spaces.
So if you look at my Thermometer/Clock in the picture, it shows 39 degrees right now next to the mud room door going into the house. Right now it's 14 outside so this is a naturally warmer part of my garage from the house heat. When I turn on my heater, it'll climb to 60 degrees in an hour from this point. So in an hour it'll go up between about 18 - 22 degrees. I usually set it at 65 fyi.
This is the optional Dr Heater Thermostat I installed, and it works really well. Just as note though...the way this works you run full heater amperage through the thermostat and then back to the heater so you need 8 gauge wire for all this.
Since an Infrared heater heats objects and not the air, it takes awhile to fully warmup the tools/car/etc to really equalize the "air" to feel warm. Sometimes, I have another small portable/floor "Convection Heater" in the opposite corner of the garage from the ceiling heater. With both of these on, the temp indicated is the same (about 60-65) but I'm wearing a tee shirt.
Your other question about the "reach", I'd say the way I have my louvers set it reaches around 16-18 feet initially, but it grows from there to warm the whole garage if you leave it on.
Good luck with whatever you decide. It's a great gift to yourself