Back in the day for simplicity, I always went straight to an edelbrock carb on my stock or slightly modified motors, just like Eric did with his. Never had any trouble with them, straight out of the box just set the idle.
I am far from being a carb tuner!
And the gentleman that i'm doing this for does not want to have to touch once its installed.
I just don't want to have to fight it to get it to run properly.
I will look into the quick fuel and the summit brand carbs too.
i have tuned literally over 500 carbs, with the majority being holleys but several were eddys, and i tune them and the timing etc until the engines run perfectly, and i can tell you with a lot of first hand experience that IF an eddy needs to be tuned, it can be a nightmare and may not be able to be tuned properly because of the limited amount of tuning parts they make for it. of course, there will be instances where an eddy just happens to work "acceptably" well enough to use right out of the box, but in my experience, that percentage is extremely low.
in contrast, holleys are easy to tune and you do not have to buy an entire $65.00 kit just to try and tune them like you do with the eddys.
i also doubt that you do not want to be in a position where you buy an eddy carb and it does not work properly right out of the box and you can't seem to get it to work as well as the customer wants and then you need to start a thread titled. "HOW DO I TUNE THIS POS EDDY CARBURETOR?"
I will also add that i have in fact bought cars that had fairly new eddys on them that did not run quite right and i simply took them off and literally gave them away for free just to not put myself thru the possibility of the carb not being able to be runed properly or just because i didn't have the tuning parts left that i needed and didn't want to fork out another $65.00 for them.