1971 Lime green Boss 351 project on E bay


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Just going to speculate that by "numbers matching" he means correct casting numbers, not specifically the original engine with VIN stamps.

Being from Illinois, you can bet that everything below the door handles needs replaced or repaired. $9.5K is a lot to spend for a VIN number that can never have matching number engine and transmission.

From that first pic you can see it is quite a powerful car. Look at that wheelstand! But wait, the wheels are still on the ground... lol

Based on the add... clearly, you want to put together a deal for all the components relating to this car including the “matching number’s” engine and transmission. It may not be a bad overall price, of course, dependent upon the amount of body work required on the shell... If I were in the market, simply ask him to send me clear photos of the stamped VIN’s on the engine and trans and then go from there. However, still some big $$$ to be put out trying to find some of the other gold mine pieces for this car...

Update... It seems that reading posts on another site, it is not the original #’s matching engine. Deal breaker for me...

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Judging by the other Boss in the picture I'm sure he got all the goodies needed before putting up for sale.

Ram Air, Rev Limiter, shifter, boot, etc.


If guys like this were truthful they would have to lower the price to make a sale.

Like P.T. Barnum supposedly said, there's a sucker born every minute (apparently it was actually a banker that came up with it). :)

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I have told this story before about a Boss 429 car locally. He got a great deal on it because it was not a numbers matching car. Engine had been changed. On the Boss 9 cars the dealer did not work on the engines. They were pulled and went to Holman & Moody. Most were lack of performance complaints, they were a dog. 

So he gets the car which looks great and is one of the first down the line. When he ordered Marti report it came back with two actually. It left the factory with a 428 installed and was switched out to the 429 by KK.

About a year after he gets the car he receives a phone call and the guy says, "I think I have your original Boss 429 for your car". He did. It still retained the magnesium valve covers that were only on the first run of prototypes. So now his car is worth more than double what he paid for it. I think he had to pay $35,000 for the original engine. So miracles do happen.

Here are some pic of the car. This guy is a tree trimmer by trade. He makes thousands per day and can never get caught up.

That Boss 351 would cost way more to fix than it would sell for. The 68 Pontiac HO 4 speed car cost $135,000 to build and car was free. He said on a good day at auction would sell for $80,000. You just cannot come out on building the cars back if done correct.

Restoring old cars is a habit and you cannot expect to make money you should actually expect to loose if you sell. :huh:
