Here's an interesting thing I've come across, regarding the Edelbrock carbs. Although the Edelbrock carb is based on the Carter AFB, something has changed, in that, the AFB runs much better than the Edelbrock. I know, I know, AFBs made by Carter carburetor haven't been made for years, but If you have one, it's a good carb, and the Competition Series AFB is even better yet. I personally am running a Holley currently and have no problems. If I had an Autolite 4100 600 cfm carb, I'd have no problem in using that as well, although, I believe Ford stopped putting that model carb on cars somewhere around '67-'68. The only issue with the 4100 is that the underside has recesses that will cause severe vacuum leaks on most aftermarket intake manifolds. Holley once built a one-piece body 4 barrel that metered like a traditional Holley, but had a no-leak body like the Edelbrock/AFB. That carb was bought by Summit, and now is marketed by Summit as their own, and it's a good carb as well.