71 Finally Painted


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absolutely stunning. I'm aspiring towards a titanium colored Mach 1 now...

Hey man

Thats a cool stang. :cool:

I also make shelby style backlights in my 1973 Mach1.

I will install the lights from the 67 gt.

Where did you get your gauges?

Keep making pictures! They look really good!

Best regards

IMAG0113.jpgThe front seats are done. We did them to match the steering wheel.

I just realized how bad the photo is. I will get a better one this weekend.

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I hear that Ken. By the time I can afford to get through the projects I need to do on the car the first things I did will need to be re-done. The other alternative is to do like a friend of mins whose ElCamino has been off the road fo 25 years. Heck his paint is over 20 years old and never seen sunlight. I'd prefer to drive mine and do it a little at a time.

I hear that Ken. By the time I can afford to get through the projects I need to do on the car the first things I did will need to be re-done. The other alternative is to do like a friend of mins whose ElCamino has been off the road fo 25 years. Heck his paint is over 20 years old and never seen sunlight. I'd prefer to drive mine and do it a little at a time.

I'm with you on driving it Jeff...What I need done is small compared to what I see a lot of guys doing on here ....but when you see something like this...the I want's start!

Good Lord! This thing is tough! NOW, what's the difference between this build and the other chopped, dropped and totally customed Mustang? Can't find the post, but I remember seeing lots of haters on that car, but this one gets all the props. Anyhow, I like em all no matter what yall do to them. Make it a 4x4 and I still like em.

Sorry it's been so long guys. We have been waiting on parts to come in. I will post new photos soon.


Hey Vintage, which Art Morrison did you use for the rear? I'm wanting to do something exactly like that, but haven't been able to figure out which suspension I want to use.
