71 Mach1(Trans Am) 2" nose drop


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Hi,I finally have my rear end housing and parts.So I will get started on that as soon as I finish my radiator brackets which are not winning the war anymore.But winter is mentally and physically.I absolutely hate everything about Pennsylvania.



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71Rustang and Jeff, There is plenty of room for more gear heads in Oklahoma. While we are currently having a cold spell, the winters are usually very mild compared to the north country. Not as many crazy people here either. Chuck

71Rustang and Jeff, There is plenty of room for more gear heads in Oklahoma. While we are currently having a cold spell, the winters are usually very mild compared to the north country. Not as many crazy people here either. Chuck
 The past 2 weeks there has been 40+ inches of snow in my driveway. I would leave PA in a heartbeat if I could. What's the job situation in Oklahoma?

Lots of jobs here in the south was in the 60's last two days. I am in North Carolina. Have BMW plant in SC so lots of suppliers in the area. Construction here is crazy and people doing dirt work are getting rich. I know one guy that spent over $40,000 hunting deer last year and he plays in dirt.

Jobs here are better than some place as we didn't lose our minds and shut everything down. We asked people to use some judgement and most did. Before Covid hit we were doing even better. Wages were up and anyone who really wanted a job had one. The large employers here  (OKC metro) are the State of Oklahoma, the Air Force Logistics Center, Dell, FAA, colleges, banking, insurance, and of course oil and gas. Despite what the uninformed/mis-informed may say gas and oil is not going away. The small town I live in has more gear heads per capita than any place I've ever been, so I fit in, even if most of them are Chevy guys. Chuck

Hello,it only took 4 weeks  to install the radiator,but at least it's done. I made the mounts using the KK blue prints for 69/70,and modified it for a 71.The radiator is a high as I could get it. The upper hold downs are about 3/8ish from the bottom of the hood,and I was able to get the outlet about 3/8ths above the drivers frame rail.I also moved the top of it as close to the support as possible.I had to bend ,tweek and shorten the upper brackets.Hinchcliffs and Topes car both used Vette radiators.I had thought about it,but decided to fight with Henry's 4 core,as thats what i assume they would have used.                                                                        I also received my shocks today.They are a vintage set of Koni double adjustable shocks specifically designed for the 71-73 Mustang. I bought them from a very nice fellow on the Boss 302 Trans Am forum.I have a thread on there as well. I did get a very good deal on them.







Thanks for sharing the build pics.

I have no luck with welding upside down. Are you inverting the car to weld underneath or what? Your welds look much better than mine ever do...

Thanks for sharing the build pics.

I have no luck with welding upside down. Are you inverting the car to weld underneath or what? Your welds look much better than mine ever do...
Hello. I've said it before 85 to 90% of welding is being comfortable and relaxed.Everything you see on the car you think is over head welded,is.Just a car on 4 jack stands. When doing over head stuff,comfort and planning the track of your welds are very important. Also don't turn down the heat.You use more heat welding overhead then you would think,you're working against gravity.You need to be able to sink the first weld to get it to stick,then follow and pay very close attention to the heat bloom as you go and adjust your speed and weld time as you go........................

I was wondering how the radiator was going to fit with the 2" drop in the front. Lots of changes for sure.
If you do have heat issues they are making what is called a triple flow radiator. They use in NASCAR and Trans Am also. The water crosses back and forth three times before it goes back in the engine. They are running 24 to 30 lbs. pressure caps also.

I was wondering how the radiator was going to fit with the 2" drop in the front. Lots of changes for sure.
If you do have heat issues they are making what is called a triple flow radiator. They use in NASCAR and Trans Am also. The water crosses back and forth three times before it goes back in the engine. They are running 24 to 30 lbs. pressure caps also.
The first set of brackets I made,i was damned and determined to make them bolt in using the factory holes.Try as I might,it was never going to work.Maybe with a 1 inch drop,but not 2 inch.We'll see how it dose with a big aluminum radiator with all the aluminum ducting.

Hello again.Spring plates are done.I ''based'' them on the KK blue prints.I made them out of 1/4 inch plate.You will notice they are for the staggered shocks. None of the Trans Am cars used staggered shocks that I could find.So here we are,blazing new territory.The shock set up will make me redesign the Watts link,shouldn't be that big of an issue.The plates also include the mount for the rear sway bar which I ordered today.I found a new 5/8'' Stam Bar kit on ebay,so now I have a bar that is straight across like the KK bar so I can mount it to the back of the Watts box.




I have heard that you do not want staggered shocks on a track car. For sure not an expert but I heard from Kenny Brown who is an expert, lol. Great work you never know until you try. I know we made some different angled shim blocks to quickly change the rear pinion  angle back when I worked in race shop for one of our clients. You try everything for sure.

I have heard that you do not want staggered shocks on a track car. For sure not an expert but I heard from Kenny Brown who is an expert, lol. Great work you never know until you try. I know we made some different angled shim blocks to quickly change the rear pinion  angle back when I worked in race shop for one of our clients. You try everything for sure.
I put a blown hemi in the bed of an A100 that does wheelies.I can make staggered shocks and a watts work on a Mustang to go round corners :biggrin:

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