71 parts


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Sep 30, 2024
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Carefree AZ
My Car
1971 Mach 1 , M code Fastback
I’m a newbie. I have a question. What is it with the 71. I can find parts for up to 70 and then it jumps to 72. Finding parts for a 71 on the online stores and eBay is difficult. Can’t even find some parts for the 71. The 71 seems to be an odd ball. Why?
There were some running changes in 71 that carried over to 72 models. For the most part, 71 and 72 parts are interchangeable. To a lesser extent, 73 parts work, too. Be sure to know your date of manufacture. If you have questions about interchangeability, just ask here. Someone will know and help you out.
I’m a newbie. I have a question. What is it with the 71. I can find parts for up to 70 and then it jumps to 72. Finding parts for a 71 on the online stores and eBay is difficult. Can’t even find some parts for the 71. The 71 seems to be an odd ball. Why?
What Parts are you needing for the 71?
Let's just say that many online stores leave a lot to be desired with their vehicle application search engine. This could be their programmer's fault, or just bad data from the part manufacturers.

As others have said, 72 is nearly identical to 71 body and suspension wise. There are power train differences, so when in doubt, ask.

I'd also recommend you get a couple paper catalogs from different vendors. NPD, AutoKrafters and others still offer printed catalogs. You'll learn a lot just by browsing through them.

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Thinking of replacing the rear bumper and valence with a diffuser, I think it would look sportier and drop about 20 lbs from the car.

Does anyone know of a company that sells one that would fit on a 71 Mach 1 fastback. I certainly cannot mold one.
Do you have a picture of what you envision on a different car? There's not a lot (if any?) of restomod bumper/fascia options for our cars like there are for the 65-68s
Thinking of replacing the rear bumper and valence with a diffuser, I think it would look sportier and drop about 20 lbs from the car.

Does anyone know of a company that sells one that would fit on a 71 Mach 1 fastback. I certainly cannot mold one.

Congratulations on your new (to you) Mustang!! At least I'm assuming it's relatively new to you. Here's some random advice:

* Rear diffuser? No such thing exists. Unless you're wishing/able to fabricate yourself, which you've already confessed you cannot.

* Bumpers come in handy when you get backed-into at the local Cars & Coffee or grocery store. Get tapped by a careless person with a bumper? Replace the $200 bumper. Get tapped into with a "rear diffuser" and no bumper? Thousands of $$'s in repair.

* Weight near your rear wheels = traction. That's not the area you want to stress over weight savings.