Big Brother BS has to stop

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I was made aware of that 2 years ago. Some interesting things going on. Dont know if its rumor or fact but claims page 1001 of the Obamacare bill sheds some light on another interesting effort. I read it but havent researched to make sure it came from the bill yet.Maybe Revelations is a good read these days.

Man I bet I went on some list somewhere when I began to heat my water with a coil inside my add on inside wood furnace. My bill dropped like 75.00 + per month. Now i'm smiling at the thought of somebody somewhere trying to figure out what I did. When I put a solar inverter on to power the blower and some other items they are gonna be ticked :). If I were smart enough I would figure out how to hack the wireless signal and give myself a credit each month and when they come by Id just say "what I didn't even know those smart meters existed, How could I hack something that I didn't even know was on my house and smile". good post Tnfastbk

Wow..I put off the power co for a long time about installing a new meter They just did it about a year ago saying they needed to so the meter readers could get the reading from their truck..I finally said ok..since the old one on the house was the original from 1958..I'm picking up some lead sheet tomorrow :idea:::tease::..they can get out of the truck in the future to read it.

We installed solar last year, about 2 weeks after we did, SoCal Edison wanted to install a smart meter. The installer knocked on the door (I was working at home and saw him coming) when he was ready for our house. I asked if the meter would run backwards, to which he said no, so I said that the new meter would be cheating me, so don't bother. They haven't been back yet. Apparently there is a smart meter that will count backwards, but they haven't come to install it.
