Black stripe for a vert

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Well, you wouldn't want it to read mach1 anyway for a vert, right?
Actually yes I would since my Mach 1 Tribute has the stripes on the side.
Guess by now you can figure out that I want the Mach 1 stripe on the rear lid.

So what are your thoughts on buying this stripe kit so the rear quarter extensions fit properly

Plus use most of the the center stripe to where the MACH 1 name would be. Trim that piece off and add the Mach 1 name from

Anyone ever try this, or would I be a first?

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Time to pull the trigger on this.

Can someone tell me how far (inches) is the M in Mach from the center trunk lock?

I decided to buy both kits. The one with the non Mach stripe will be perfect for the extensions and I plan on using the same center stripe in this kit but cut where the Mach 1 would be and paste the Mach 1 name from a kit from Mustangs Unlimited.



Just realized that it might not matter, as the Mach 1 center stripe will be shorter on both ends of the vert trunk lid. So in order for it to fit properly I would prob need to move the Mach 1 label further to the right so it would fit and wrap around the trunk lid.

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Ok, I found the pics.

There are a few things to watch for when you do this:

First, the stripe is made of three pieces (one center for the trunk lid and two sides for the fender extension) that do not have the correct size for verts. I had never realized that the fender extensions on fastbacks are much wider that the ones on verts and coupes.

So the center stripe will be too short but you can carefully align the butt ends of the extension stripes to the center ones and paste them.

If you look closely, you will see that mine lines up nicely on the passenger side but a little less so on the driver side, That is because the outer pin stripes at the end butt of the driver side extension stripe were not completely parallel to the big one in the middle. Usually that would not cause any problems because that part would get bent around the corner of the extension and go inwards in between the fender and the trunk lid.

In this case it provoked some colorful yet explicit language but eventually I was able to make it look halfway decent. If you blow up the picture you will see the transitions almost right above the clear lenses in the middle of the taillights.

On the passenger side everything lined up perfectly.

Second, the vertical part of the trunk on the fastback is shorter than on the vert which means that on the vert, the stripe will sit higher.

Usually the lower side of the stripe will line up with the body contours but not in this case.

The key cylinder is the reference point here, so you need to work it from there.

Just try to keep it parallel to the edges from the trunk lid and fender extensions to the taillight panel.

Here are the pics:





I received one of my stripe kits and should have the other one next week.

I know you said to start with the center lock and work your way out from there. Looking my stripe over, it looks like the black stripe is on white paper.

I'm guessing once you line it up and press it harder against the lid, you can pull the paper away and only the black stripe remains?

Yes. You tape it in place at the top, so it works like a hinge. When everything is straight, you start pulling off the backing tape. Your little strips of tape will keep it aligned. Then, after you have the stripe sticking to the car, you remove the white paper and only the stripe will remain on the car.

I can't post a link from my phone but search YouTube for "applying Mach1 stripe" and you'll find a video of a guy applying a stripe to a 73. That shows the process in detail.

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Yes. You tape it in place at the top, so it works like a hinge. When everything is straight, you start pulling off the backing tape. Your little strips of tape will keep it aligned. Then, after you have the stripe sticking to the car, you remove the white paper and only the stripe will remain on the car.

I can't post a link from my phone but search YouTube for "applying Mach1 stripe" and you'll find a video of a guy applying a stripe to a 73. That shows the process in detail.
He does make it seem easy, but he also jumps around and to me misses some of the steps I'm looking for.

Also in my case, I'm going to be using the MACH 1 part of the stripe as I bought both kits online (see my post #12).

Thanks for your help. I hope to tackle this soon and will take pics.

most stripes you can wet the panel you are putting it on and the kit sometimes comes with a small 3" spreader you use that to squeeze out the water as you put your stripe on the water prevents it from sticking well and allows you to get all the air bubbles out and you can position the stripe where you want it before it adheres then you pull off the white paper after it is where you want it and all pressed down

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The adventures continues.

Considering my car is also a vert which one would be more proper. The MACH 1 name all the way to the right? Or the MACH 1 name a few inches off the right edge?



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I prefer the red one but the only difference is the width of the quarter end piece. If you look closely you will see that both scripts end just shy of the backup light. The narrower quarter extension (and wider trunk lid) make for that extra inch of black in between the script and the gap.

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I agree with the red one.

Hope to do it this weekend and will take pics.

I had mine put on today. I will take a photo tommorow. I think it came out well.

John J
If you did it yourself, how about a write up?


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Here is the photo. Side stripes next. A friend who owns a body shop put them on for me. I will have to wait until I send he some more business before he put on the side stripes.

John J


Here is the photo. Size stripes next. A friend who own a body shop put them on for me. I will have to wait until I send he some more business before he put on the side stripes.

John J
Not sure why the photo is sideways. Using my I pad. Never had this problem when I used my old HP desk top. Oh well.

John j

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Here is the photo. Size stripes next. A friend who own a body shop put them on for me. I will have to wait until I send he some more business before he put on the side stripes.

John J
Not sure why the photo is sideways. Using my I pad. Never had this problem when I used my old HP desk top. Oh well.

John j

Looks good. Gotta love the red stang.

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Damn, damn, damn...Stripe went on and I did the hing thing and started to pull and smooth with a spreader. All was looking good on the right side until I got to the far left and didn't realize that the masking tape folded over and took the bottom black stripe with it. I really tried to straighten it out and did, but ended up pulling the tape with it. No way could I get ot back to the way it should have been.

So off it came and I'll order another kit.

Well, it looks like 3rd times a charm.

To make things easier I did some research and watched youtube video's on how to put the stripe on using the wet method and center hinge. Of course I should have done this the first time.

Since I did have some pieces left over from the previous kits I had some flexibilty.

With the center stripe not reaching the end of the lid, I was able to cut off about 3.5 inches from the two old kit extention pieces and use them on the center piece to paste and wrap around the lid. 3 inches would have been fine but I didn't want to take any chances. Therefore since I used the most current kit the extension pieces were more than long enough to also wrap around the right and left extension. So when you look at it close up, no body is showing as the stripe is wraped on both sides. Plus I had to use another older right extention center piece to bring it closer to the "1" on the right side.

Very happy that it's finally finished and here's the video that I used to show how to use the wet method and center hinge.

There is glare on the extensions but no marks are on them. I'm also inclined to believe that with one Mach 1 kit there no extra pieces to wrap around or bring the center piece closer to the "1". So you're better off buying 2 kits.

Mustang Stripe.jpg
