Colorado Fires - SM3570 has evacuated

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Well-known member
Jul 8, 2010
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Coastal Alabama
My Car
'72 Q code Mach 1
I just saw on Steve's Facebook page that he's evacuated his home due to the fires in Colorado as a precaution. I'm sure he'll check in on here before too long.

I hope all is ok for you Steve and your house and mustang are ok.

Thanks Don! I'm okay but the Mustang isn't driveable at this point so I'm just hoping the fire doesn't spread up here. Member danoreilly had to move his cars into storage and he's living in his RV in a Walmart parking lot. Things aren't looking too good here! Windy and dry and the fire is bad. They just confirmed 2 bodies.

We will all say a collective prayer that first and foremost you and your family are safe and then the house and car. My work just built a multi-multi-million data center out there and this is the second time fires have been a concern. Starting to wonder if that was a good investment.

Man..that is bad...We had some bad ones here in Wa too...But not even close as bad as there..Glad to see you and dano are ok "and hopefully most folks you know" ...That is the importaint thing ...I'll send a prayer that way... {keeping fingers crossed you don't loose anything extra}

The fire lines have mostly stabilized but it's still dry and windy. I think tomorrow will be very telling. My wife and daughter are safe in California and my friends and family that are left here are all safe and just waiting to see what happens.

Thanks for the concern and prayers, they are much appreciated. I'm starting to get tired of wildfires.

Keep us updated if you can folks...Be safe out there in Colorado....I just heard this morning on am radio about a family not making it out tring to pack up all there stuff:(

Good news that you're back home, Steve! Here's to hoping things get under control ASAP and the destruction and danger passes quickly.

Good to hear our members are safe. I've got a good friend that lives on the edge of the evac are and he says the winds have shifted and it appears they're getting it under control. Estimated 38,000 people had to evac and 400 homes destroyed, two "known" killed at this time. Worse fire in Colorado's history.

