I found this post on the Concours Mustang forum while researching info on CW material...
{I remember Colamco. They were among the first to make Mustang reproduction upholstery and our supplier for many years. Along with Mustang repro upholstery they were an original supplier to White Freightliner and Cessna Aircraft. They haven't been around since the mid 90's I believe.
Would they have used ORIGINAL comfortweave...no. Original STYLE comfortweave..yes. At that time the only machines capable of producing that type of vinyl were located in Kyoto, Japan. They were the sole supplier to everyone using that vinyl until the tsunami that hit Kyoto around 2000 destroyed the factory and the tooling to produce true woven comfortweave style vinyl. The industry survived for a few years on existing stocks. Not long after those stocks ran out the current pressed pattern comfortweave became widely available and is still in use today.
BTW the Utica trim plant was located at 23 Mile and Mound Rd. (near Van Dyke Ave). and a smaller facility for trim production was at the old Packard Proving Grounds at Van Dyke, south of 23 Mile Rd on the same property.}
I was surprised and now slightly confused because in the thread they discuss "Comfort Weave" as a vinyl product... ??
Here is the link to the thread...