Did Americans actually understand - like "Blackadder"?


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Dec 23, 2018
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.. the proper repository of the most accurate history of England and therefore the good ol US-of A ;)

...well I'm a Shelby loving Brit and I understood it .. just wonder if you genetic disorders on the other side of the Atlantic did???
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Some do...most dont.
Oh yeah, Black Adder, Monty Python, Fawlty Towers, The Young Ones.....Such an energetic diversion from American comedy. I absorbed all of the reparte'. Humor across the pond was more free, didn't have so much censoring as here in the States. When I traveled with the band I sung with, to other countries, I remember the people elsewhere being not so "uptight', even in the advertisements. Hell, over there, if you were watching the Telly and a bra commercial came on, there was an in-the-flesh live woman modeling the garment. Here in the States, it might be shown floating on the screen, but Heavens no.....not on a woman! I visited a few Pubs in different Countries in Europe, and now and again, you'd notice Hetero guys dance with another guy, or women with women, if the opposite sex wasn't available, ...they just enjoyed the music, it wasn't a Gay thing, they simply weren't so uptight as Americans. New car Expos used to have topless Models pose with the vehicles, something you would be arrested for and shamed for here. For sure, British humor is cool........."Mooses costumes by....."!
Spike mentioned The Young Ones. I loved the show and was ecstatic to discover 'BOTTOM' in the early '00s.

But does anyone else remember 'The Goodies'?

Being an ex-pat Brit, I love what Spike has to say. He hits the nail on the head.
Personally, I dislike most American humor for the obvious "canned laughter" the producers stick in. It's not spontaneous and often in totally the wrong place. It sounds so phony. Now, in the past there were some really funny shows, but censorship and political correctness saw them disappear.
Now if you want a real good laugh, watch Mrs. Brown He's (yes (s)he really is a he) is fecking hilarious and the F word of often used, or "fecking" depending on what channel it's on. I get it on GOLD and believe me, they ain't pulling and punches. My guts hurst after watching a couple of episodes of that show.
There was another British troupe/band called "The Bonzo Dog Do-Da Band", which I was keen to listen to. Niel Innes, of the Bonzos, and George Harrison were co-conspirators with "The Ruttles", if you havent seen that flick, you may get a kick out of it. The humor, and the Cameos, are great, not to mention the clever musical scoring.
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There was another British troupe/band called "The Bonzo Dog Do-Da Band", which I was keen to listen to. Niel Innes, of the Bonzos, and George Harrison were co-conspirators with "The Ruttles", if you havent seen that flick, you may get a kick out of it. The humor, and the Cameos, are great, not to mention the clever musical scoring.
"Cheese and Onions"!
Being an ex-pat Brit, I love what Spike has to say. He hits the nail on the head.
Personally, I dislike most American humor for the obvious "canned laughter" the producers stick in. It's not spontaneous and often in totally the wrong place. It sounds so phony. Now, in the past there were some really funny shows, but censorship and political correctness saw them disappear.
Now if you want a real good laugh, watch Mrs. Brown He's (yes (s)he really is a he) is fecking hilarious and the F word of often used, or "fecking" depending on what channel it's on. I get it on GOLD and believe me, they ain't pulling and punches. My guts hurst after watching a couple of episodes of that show.
For american humor, my favorite for over 25 years has been Mr. Show with David Cross and Bob Odenkirk.

Having said that, two of the best sitcoms in the last 50 years were All In The Family and Sanford and Son. Both based on british sitcoms. Although I do still enjoy The Bob Newhart Show from the 70's.
Perhaps the funniest thing I’ve ever seen in my life was the episode of black adder goes forth, where they join the air Corps, based on the thought that they’ll only do 20 minutes of work per day. Turns out it’s the average lifespan of a pilot in World War I. Lord flash heart/Rick Mayall was hysterical.

What is kind of hard for Americans to understand is the Goon show. Also hysterical, but it is full of a lot of esoteric things that we just don’t know about, Like a NAFFI (sp?)…
Perhaps the funniest thing I’ve ever seen in my life was the episode of black adder goes forth, where they join the air Corps, based on the thought that they’ll only do 20 minutes of work per day. Turns out it’s the average lifespan of a pilot in World War I. Lord flash heart/Rick Mayall was hysterical.

What is kind of hard for Americans to understand is the Goon show. Also hysterical, but it is full of a lot of esoteric things that we just don’t know about, Like a NAFFI (sp?)…
NAFFI = a Canteen, i.e. a place to eat not something to put water in. Oh the quirks of the English language!
IMO - It goes...............................

Different types/styles of humor for most countries around the World. (I love to sample them all)

As well, i have found nearly all countries/societies around the World are repressed. It just comes down to what degree/extent, and in what ways or directions of repression exist.

NAFFI = a Canteen, i.e. a place to eat not something to put water in. Oh the quirks of the English language!

Hey Stang-- it's NAAFI --- it stands for Navy, Army, and Air Force Institutes: A place where serving military can go for cut priced/discount goods and services.... and a canteen. 👍

When I was a young lad, father in the airforce, our family used to live on RAF and combined RAF/USAF airbases and the NAAFI was always a hub of activity and place to get cheap stuff...
....we even found Australians in there ... you cant get cheaper than that ;)
Hey Stang-- it's NAAFI --- it stands for Navy, Army, and Air Force Institutes: A place where serving military can go for cut priced/discount goods and services.... and a canteen. 👍

When I was a young lad, father in the airforce, our family used to live on RAF and combined RAF/USAF airbases and the NAAFI was always a hub of activity and place to get cheap stuff...
....we even found Australians in there ... you cant get cheaper than that ;)
Oh really Harry!:giggle:
OMG...Ozzielanders are rated even lower than us Yanks!
Remember, there's a common thread here. Countries such as Australia, Canada and America got their countries started up mainly on imports from the British Isles! Canada took on a s ---load of the French of course, but looking at it today, all these countries have become multi cultural societies as people from all 'round the World have taken up residence in them.:giggle:
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Remember, there's a common thread here. Countries such as Australia, Canada and America got their countries started up mainly on imports from the British Isles! Canada took on a s ---load of the French of course, but looking at it today, all these countries have become multi cultural societies as people from all 'round the World have taken up residence in them.:giggle:
I'd say Australia was more of an 'export'!
Hey Stang-- it's NAAFI --- it stands for Navy, Army, and Air Force Institutes: A place where serving military can go for cut priced/discount goods and services.... and a canteen. 👍

When I was a young lad, father in the airforce, our family used to live on RAF and combined RAF/USAF airbases and the NAAFI was always a hub of activity and place to get cheap stuff...
....we even found Australians in there ... you cant get cheaper than that ;)
Thanks for the spelling correction, my bad old man! I guess I copied Johnathan G's spelling error which he did put a question mark against. I got a chuckle out of your explanation of NAAFI.
I'd say Australia was more of an 'export'!
Hi Det,

How's the number one Forum pot stirrer? :giggle:

Yes, sadly Australia once having been discovered by Captain Cook and the boys (actually, the Dutch/Portuguese discovered Australia first i believe), decided to be used as penal colony for incarcerating the low life of English society.

I believe the English prisons at the time/and of the day, were greatly overcrowded/overflowing by incarcerating everyday citizens for petty crimes and handing out harsh punishments. (not much has changed.) :) Solution, lets use Oz as a new prison dumping ground to solve the problem. Hmmmmmmmmmmm - smart thinking there chaps! Thankyou. Many criminals who were exported to Australia, died, and never finished the voyage, as the sailing ships took months to get from England to Australia, and they died from various sicknesses like scurvy, infections, malnutrition etc.

The good news however, is that a better class of citizens from the British isles followed up and ended up settling here for a new and better life of their own accord. Australia is now one of the top places to live in the World.

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