Distributor/Carburator Woes


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with what you have going on, you have no idea what vacuum you are going to have @ idle.
if your transfer slots are a little over exposed now and you correct that, you will end up leaner @ idle
You will probably then have less vacuum @ idle (will throw your PV calculation off).
1+ on the secondary (adjustable with a single adjustment screw) tune for no noise (lean bog) when the secondary's open.
Did you use heavier or lighter spring?
The motor was hesitating and I assumed it was getting to much gas. so I changed to a one step heaver spring. that solved the problem and it now breaks the tires loose on acceleration in 2nd gear. I have a wide ratio 3 speed TopLoader with a 3.25 rear.

The springs are all color coded so it is easy to identify them. Be sure that the motor is fully warmed up and the choke is fully open before doing the road test.
The motor was hesitating and I assumed it was getting to much gas. so I changed to a one step heaver spring. that solved the problem and it now breaks the tires loose on acceleration in 2nd gear. I have a wide ratio 3 speed TopLoader with a 3.25 rear.

The springs are all color coded so it is easy to identify them. Be sure that the motor is fully warmed up and the choke is fully open before doing the road test.
I have a Holley 600CFM Street Avenger on my "H" code 351 with a RV cam. I installed the Holley quick change vacuum secondary spring kit. Changing the secondary spring was a big help in eliminating the hesitation when accelerating.
Thanks for the tip. So much involved with this. Hope I can figure it all out without having to admit defeat and take it to a speed shop.
Just start with the basics like fuel pressure, total timing, etc before you start installing performance bits. See if there is an underlying issue before you figure out if it’s just a performance thing.
Did you use heavier or lighter spring?
An easy test to help determine which half of the carb is causing a hesitation is to tie the secondaries shut. With the secondary pod that boilermaster mentioned, you can do the same by closing the adjustment screw.