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Jan 12, 2012
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My Car
1972 Mustang Sprint coupe
Finally going to come clean about my possible divorce and who is to blame......my wife . She is always concerned that im leaving her for another woman. Not necessarily true , I’d leave her for another woman who doesn’t care that I spend all my money 💴 on my cars. 😂😂😂😂 also she’s smart enough not to ask me that ultimate question? What would you choose between her and my cars . She probably can guess the answer 🤣🤣🤣🤣
I'll say one thing. I'll not go into too much detail, but in our relationship, there is my money, her money and OUR money. That's the way it's been since we got together 32 years ago.
While she has never complained about my car, she has complained about me helping my son out and we nearly broke up over it. That was from MY money, not hers and not ours. I never complain about what she spends her money on as long as OUR money is put in the bank each month to pay OUR bills and food.
What I'm getting at is we found a way to coexist and I would hope you can do the same unless all the feelings of love have evaporated and you've simply grown apart. If that's the case, you both deserve a fresh start.
I wish you good fortune moving forward.
I will say this. I've been married and divorced. It sucks but it was best for me and my children.

As to what you mentioned, I recently ended a 2.5 year relationship for similar reasons. She would accuse me of seeing other women etc. (I never did) and I could not take the mental aspect of that any longer. It has been a rough couple of months since I ended it with her stalking my home at all hours of the night etc, but It is for the best for my mental capacity. I wish you luck as no decision is ever perfect, it is just choosing the better option and healing.
I will say this. I've been married and divorced. It sucks but it was best for me and my children.

As to what you mentioned, I recently ended a 2.5 year relationship for similar reasons. She would accuse me of seeing other women etc. (I never did) and I could not take the mental aspect of that any longer. It has been a rough couple of months since I ended it with her stalking my home at all hours of the night etc, but It is for the best for my mental capacity. I wish you luck as no decision is ever perfect, it is just choosing the better option and healing.
Sounds like you got your hands full or at least you did, mine is not that bad , more annoying than anything else . She needs to chill out sometimes and I torment her a little and bust her boobs . If she doesn’t GET IT after 20 years than she is the crazy one ☝️ 🤣 I’m old school Italian and my patience can be challenged.
Sorry to hear about the possible change in status(?).

I've been really lucky. She remembers her older brothers (and sometimes Dad) taking off on a Saturday morning and coming home with a $2-300 pile of car on a trailer, them spending the time to clean it all up and make it nice again, drive 'em for a bit until they wound up selling or trading for another cool project. She knows how much I spent on my Mach 1, and even helped me get it ready for its first car show by diving into installing the trunk carpet kit and cleaning up reusable parts (like interior trim, tail lights, and whatnot).

She's even been really cool about me dumping a ton of money into my '80 CJ-7 getting it back together as I get closer to retirement. As long as her 2015 Camaro RS stays running and looking good, she's happy. I even offered to build her a cool C-3 Corvette, but she's happy with the Camaro, and we don't have anywhere else to park any more car projects, anyway. She's pretty insecure as well, but recognizes that my hobbies do very well at keeping me out of the bars.
I am very lucky in the way that my wife lets me do my thing within reason. She is not a car person at all, for her a car is to get her from point A to point B. She does not understand my obsession in the least, but knows it makes me happy and she is willing to go along for that reason. Guaranteed after I die she might wait a week and then they will all be sold off, lol. She has only come to one car show, just because it was father's day and our boys were all coming with me. I am not a fan of the beach, but we spend a few weeks together every year on one and then she heads to the beach more than that with her gal pals. I suppose we are both pretty good at letting each other chase their passion. I guess that's why we have been together over 34 years and married for 32 of them. I mean that and she's hot, lol.
I am very lucky in the way that my wife lets me do my thing within reason. She is not a car person at all, for her a car is to get her from point A to point B. She does not understand my obsession in the least, but knows it makes me happy and she is willing to go along for that reason. Guaranteed after I die she might wait a week and then they will all be sold off, lol. She has only come to one car show, just because it was father's day and our boys were all coming with me. I am not a fan of the beach, but we spend a few weeks together every year on one and then she heads to the beach more than that with her gal pals. I suppose we are both pretty good at letting each other chase their passion. I guess that's why we have been together over 34 years and married for 32 of them. I mean that and she's hot, lol.
Ok here goes this site standards, we need pics ! 😂😂😂😂 mine is hot too , does menopause count ? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Honestly sorry to hear about your troubles brother. My wife has come to grudgingly accept my love of old cars, but there was a time it was a big point of contention. That said…

One of the reasons I am loathe to give marital advice is because one never really knows all the details that go on in somebody else’s marriage. Based on your comment I am sure there is a lot more going on than cars. But since you sorta posed the hypothetical to the forum I’ll just say this: if my wife and I were really having problems and the thing between us was my love of cars, when push came to shove I’d either figure out some sort of compromise or find a different hobby (do me a favor and don’t tell her that though). I am a pretty stubborn and traditional kind of guy and anybody who knows me knows I don’t roll over easily or often... but unfortunately I didn’t have the foresight as a young man to work an automotive exception into the vows.

I just figure whether it’s in court or a church, when somebody gets married they make a vow that supersedes any hobby or possession. I figure that has to count for something.

Anyway, I am wishing you the best and hope you all can figure it out. If two hard-cases like my wife and I are could (eventually) make it work… well believe me: there’s hope!
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Honestly sorry to hear about your troubles brother. My wife has come to grudgingly accept my love of old cars, but there was a time it was a big point of contention. That said…

One of the reasons I am loathe to give marital advice is because one never really knows all the details that go on in somebody else’s marriage. Based on your comment I am sure there is a lot more going on than cars. But since you sorta posed the hypothetical to the forum I’ll just say this: if my wife and I were really having problems and the thing between us was my love of cars, when push came to shove I’d either figure out some sort of compromise or find a different hobby (do me a favor and don’t tell her that though). I am a pretty stubborn and traditional kind of guy and anybody who knows me knows I don’t roll over easily or often... but unfortunately I didn’t have the foresight as a young man to work an automotive exception into the vows.

I just figure whether it’s in court or a church, when somebody gets married they make a vow that supersedes any hobby or possession. I figure that has to count for something.

Anyway, I am wishing you the best and hope you all can figure it out. If two hard-cases like my wife and I are could (eventually) make it work… well believe me: there’s hope!
Honestly the car obsession is the least of our issues. We are on the road to reconcile so don’t lose any sleep 💤. I’m just venting and my wife understands the car guy life and will occasionally indulge with me. She will sometimes attend my car shows and I even got her on a few Hot Rod Magazine power tours. She was upset when I sold my Sprint coupe to Mike (Motorcity Mustangs ) . She considered it her favorite car. I’m getting ready to start restoring my Sprint sportsroof and will let her drive it when she wants .
Honestly the car obsession is the least of our issues. We are on the road to reconcile so don’t lose any sleep 💤. I’m just venting and my wife understands the car guy life and will occasionally indulge with me. She will sometimes attend my car shows and I even got her on a few Hot Rod Magazine power tours. She was upset when I sold my Sprint coupe to Mike (Motorcity Mustangs ) . She considered it her favorite car. I’m getting ready to start restoring my Sprint sportsroof and will let her drive it when she wants .
Glad to hear it my friend. Can’t wait to see the sportsroof!
Glad to hear it my friend. Can’t wait to see the sportsroof!
Ok spread the word , I need to sell some parts to pay for repairs on the sportsroof. Mainly I have a nice working tilt column out of my Sprint coupe , would a price of $700 shipped to your door 🚪 get it gone ? Otherwise I’ll have to keep it and install in my car .