Fed up with the poop ?


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Dec 23, 2018
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Mother Nature is complex and takes it’s time to optimize certain lifeforms... except the human race that I consider to often have the collective IQ of a teaspoon. ...but that is a personal view and may not be factual...You choose.  

Also...One time, a complex lifeform, decended from Australopithecus man, known as Gale Halderman styled our cars...

However, 150 million years ago, birds began their evolutionary journey to the design where they are today. 

Which means that bird poop  :huh:  was designed 150 million years before 1971 Grabber Green paint was introduced.

This is wrong… I think that Grabber green as a wavelength of light, was designed before birds …which is close to 520 nano-meters (nm).  So in a backward intuitive way, Grabber green was on earth before birds. So bird poop is also developed later than Grabber Green. 150 million years of evolution in slimy poop - just to piss me off.


What I am saying is; my paint job is more important than birds and the poop they insist should be spattered across it. :mad:  F**ktards

I spent the day rubbing Macguire creamy glossing products across my paint to get the poop off my Grabber green ... it also made my arm, which was also developed by mother nature, ache and fall off. ...my right arm is real important to me ...*cough...ahem*

This is making me pissed and developing a physical negative in me. Because I have been moving my hand in swirly motions, I cant pick up my pint glass in the pub without stirring my beer.. 

C'mon guys this is not natural.   :whistling:

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Not only is it slimy, but certain species' dried poop adheres nearly as well as bug guts, and then some is laced with sand, meaning you can't just wipe it off when fresh, unless you like your hood (bonnet) looking like you wiped it with 80 grit sandpaper.

It would appear that nature has a thing against nicely kept cars. I'm not willing to revert to ancient modes of transportation, though. Could you imagine how it would ruin your evening out when you swung into the saddle and plopped your rear into a blob of poop?

I recently discovered that my parking spot at work is in line with a flight pattern between the microwave communication tower and the trees.

I never noticed this with my old daily driver, but it was apparent as soon as I placed a new Ford Fiesta ST in my parking spot.

Having a vehicle that you notice poo on is a pain!

Because I have been moving my hand in swirly motions I cant pick up my pint glass in the pub without stirring my beer.. 

C'mon guys this is not natural.   :whistling:
If the symptom does not go away, take up wine, it will look natural and everyone will think you are a connoisseur!

Having a parrot, but no parrot sized diapers, I can attest to the adhesive qualities of avian poo. However, it does soften in a few minutes if you keep it saturated with water or glass cleaner.

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If the symptom does not go away, take up wine, it will look natural and everyone will think you are a connoisseur!
Muwuhahahaha  lollerz  ....awesome... I'll need to buy some Cavalry twills, wear a cravat and call myself Piers  ::thumb::

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I have more of an issue attracting live bugs. You say huh? Most car shows are in parking lots but a few here are done in grassy fields. You get there early and the bugs are everywhere. Last year our club met up and drove into the show together so we could park together. I get out and my yellow vert is being attacked by all manner of bugs. The cars next to me have not one on them but my car has literally thousands of bugs all over the yellow paint. After the sun is up a while they go away but was crazy at first.  

On the bird poo. Here we have a plant called Polk. It grows to 8' tall in couple months. It has these bright purple berries on it that the birds love. Now that is some plum crazy purple bird poo for sure.

I have more of an issue attracting live bugs. 
I attract live bugs too... ooops, that's different. 

"1sostatic checks his deodorant cabinet ...only to find it empty "

... I think I know why  ;)

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I concur with David about the bugs loving yellow cars. Same thing happens with mine, car next has none and my car is covered.

The worst poop is from the damn Canadian geese. They are everywhere and man do they ever carry a load, holy crap! Lol

I just got my car back and had it out in the driveway for 20 minutes and got crapped on. Got it all cleaned up from being in the repair shop all winter and I got nailed.

Ha yeah the geese are so bad in town here that the city actually purchased several remote control vehicles that are made to look like crazy alligators to drive around the parks near the river to scare the geese away. It isn't working. Another great idea from your government.

I have more of an issue attracting live bugs. You say huh? Most car shows are in parking lots but a few here are done in grassy fields. You get there early and the bugs are everywhere. Last year our club met up and drove into the show together so we could park together. I get out and my yellow vert is being attacked by all manner of bugs. The cars next to me have not one on them but my car has literally thousands of bugs all over the yellow paint. After the sun is up a while they go away but was crazy at first.  

On the bird poo. Here we have a plant called Polk. It grows to 8' tall in couple months. It has these bright purple berries on it that the birds love. Now that is some plum crazy purple bird poo for sure.
I used to paint billboards in a past life. We would go up the face on a swing stage and hand paint. Since my work clothes tended to get a lot of paint splatter, I would pick up what was on sale. I ended up with a half dozen BRIGHT t-shirts, fuschia, cyan, coral, yellow, etc. That was when I learned that bugs go for flower type colors. Every kind of bug, including bees and wasps. I once counted almost two dozen wasps crawling over me. Never got stung, though. They were two busy trying to find my pollen. 

Just imagine the number of bugs at a Mopar show....
