fuse box question


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Feb 20, 2020
Reaction score
North Georgia
My Car
1972 Mach 1 dark green
well made the mistake of thinking of putting in some fresh fuses.  I pulled the fuse on this and the holder came out, I think it is #7 which I guess is the least damage I could do.   i see on the video link (of a 70 galaxy)  attached that it may be the one with the angle holder as mine is angled but I did not see any screw extending down like in this video.   How do I fix this?  Also, is there a replacement for our fuse boxes, I see this on fleabay but not sure if it is a replacement or for a larger, new harness.  I began to look at the fuse box as I just picked up my car from the shop, only 2nd time I have driven it since purchase 5 weeks ago and tried the a/c but it did not work. I see the fuse requirements with a/c is 30amp and I found a 14amp fuse in its spot. Will hope for the best when I get a 30amp fuse in there...

***The more I think about it I am pretty sure, while there was as fuse in this holder, it was no-op as there was no post running into the brass plate so there could not have been active current to it, correct?? ***



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Was it truly the fuse clip on the angled fuse buss bar that goes to the ACC post? I take it it is, as you don't mention any attached wires. I sell the whole assembly (including the 3 prong extender) for $15 pus $4 for the ride.

NPD sells replacement fuse clips (as do most other catalog stores), but I wouldn't use them to crimp wires onto them. For the clip in question, you can simply use a rivet to hold it in place (that's how I manufacture mine).

I love the way they put identification in small font around the plastic for you to "read"....then stick it in the most inaccessible place possible so you can't read anything and you have to be 10" high to work under there.  ::thumb::


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