Grabber Lime 429 Mach Restoration Update - Seats/Seatbelts

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Motorcity Mustang

Motorcity Mustang
Aug 27, 2010
Reaction score
Canton, MIchigan
My Car
1971 429 CJs: Grabber Lime, Grabber Blue, White, Dark Green Metallic (2), Pewter, Red Convertible 1972: Sprints (3), 1973: Pink Convertible (2)
Progress continues on the Grabber Lime 429 Build.  Got the package tray completed along with the sail panels and rear seat moldings.   Interesting how much time it take to get everything to fit back together afterwards.  Cleaned the original upholstery for the rear seats, installed all the seatbelts, including the shoulder harnesses.  Had to take down the roof molding over the doors to get the chrome clips in (forgot to to put those in first).  Thought there was only one chrome clip on each side, but I looked at one of my original cars and they had two on each side.  If anyone knows which is correct (one or two per side, let me know).  Carpet cut and sill plates installed.  Next up is the center console, the front seats.   One dilemma I have is whether or not to add new upholstery or leave the original.  I thought I wanted the original in there, but with everything else new, the rear seat (even though it is cleaned) looks a little dull compared to everything else.  Anyone have any advice on this nut/bolt restoration.  I will be driving this car. 











Beautiful car. You might try a few applications of a product called 303 Aerospace Protectant. I've had some success using it. Chuck

I dont know how well 303 will work on the comfortweave since its more of a product for vinyl protection. Maybe another type of material cleaner for the seats?

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Great looking work, Mike. It seems just a few months ago that I was doing the exact same work in my 71 Grabber Blue. But I made the mistake of installing the rear window prior to installing the headliner. Man, that was a huge mistake. Yours looks great. Thank you for posting. 

A couple of things.

1] on the chrome clips I have only seen them 1 per side on these cars.  That is what the assembly manuals show too.  To bad you missed those clips,  I tried to warn you in your last post on headliners.

2) I wanted an original look but a fresh seat look too.  I ordered the TMI original looking covers.  I am not smart enough to know the difference between original comfortweave and the reproduction covers..  they look great.


A couple of things.

1] on the chrome clips I have only seen them 1 per side on these cars.  That is what the assembly manuals show too.  To bad you missed those clips,  I tried to warn you in your last post on headliners.

2) I wanted an original look but a fresh seat look too.  I ordered the TMI original looking covers.  I am not smart enough to know the difference between original comfortweave and the reproduction covers..  they look great.

One per side it is, guess I will take the extras out.  I think I will see if I can freshen up the original comfortweave first before I put new material on.  Probably should also wait and put it outside in the sun to see what it looks like outside rather than in the garage with the florescent lights.   

I dont know how well 303 will work on the comfortweave since its more of a product for vinyl protection. Maybe another type of material cleaner for the seats?
Comfortweave is woven vinyl. Chuck

303 is what I use on my Boat upholstery.  It’s a 1999 and the seats are still buttery soft and in good shape.

it’s a great product!


ahhh.. I always thought it was more like a material. So, are the perforations in the material the only difference between original and repro seatcovers?

When I started cleaning up my 73 Mach 1 that sat in barn for 37 years I was afraid the seats would not clean up. They had mold and mildew on them see the pics. I was shocked when I did wipe them down I used Lysol and water to wipe them and then shop vac. I was going to put Lexol on but did not. I did on the leather steering wheel. I use to visit the Harrah's car museum back in the 70's. I saw an old gentleman putting something on seats and wiping off and went over and struck up a conversation. The Harrah's collection back then was the largest in U.S. with over 3,200 completely restored cars on display and thousands more in warehouse. He had lots of the original blue prints for many cars. The worker told me he was only allowed to use Lexol on any upholstery leather or vinyl. Here is what my seats looked like before wiping down with the lysol. They still look like that today mold did not come back. I ask him about Armoral and he said Mr. Harrah would kill you if you brought any Armoral in his facility. He said they did test lots of cleaners and found Lexol to be the best.
I would keep the original and if you get a tear or issue then go to repo. Only original once.
Yes those are the same seats. I also ran an ozone generator in the car so there is no odors or smells.







Wow, your seats look great.   Mine are not quite that nice.  I think the issue for me is the comfortweave material.  Being black, the color of the material threads seems to be the issue and the strings behind the top layer looks brownish.   I did use Lexol on the back seats but didn't put it on the comfortweave.  It may not look as bad in the sun, and I could always put new material on down the road.  I may also try a little dye/paint on the comfortweave to see if I can color it a little. 

I bought another set for vert off Ebay that are original. I do not know why anyone would have changed them I cleaned and they look as good as the Mach 1 and cost $125 for front and back in Ginger Comfort Weave original Ford. I have also put mineral oil on the vinyl to bring back some but cannot tell long term issues.

Clean them and rinse well, then spray dye them. You cannot duplicate original comfortweave, unique finish, your material condition looks fine, just dye it.

303 is what I use on my Boat upholstery.  It’s a 1999 and the seats are still buttery soft and in good shape.

it’s a great product!

Agree on the 303 product. I have used it for 20-25 years and always have a gallon for my boat and cars and whatever.

It was called aerospace 303 because it was developed for nasa. Works great with really good UV protection while softening the vinyl or plastic and great on fiberglass. I soak wiring harness's in it to soften up the wire coating. Mind you it will not take care of 50 year old wiring under the hot hood. 


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