HELP !! 73 grill mounting bolts specs

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Well-known member
Apr 9, 2015
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Nova scotia Canada
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1973 sportsroof mustang
Hi All,

Anyone know what size and thread the bolts are that hold the grill to the head light bucket? there are 8 and the screw in the middle, cant find the thread details anywhewrehw620_1.395.jpg

Do you still have one? if so you can take it to your local auto parts store or hardware store and they usually have a deal set up that has nuts in it you can try them out on to figure out size and thread pitch.

Do you still have one? if so you can take it to your local auto parts store or hardware store and they usually have a deal set up that has nuts in it you can try them out on to figure out size and thread pitch.
That would be the best way but I dont even have 1

Well i found what i thought was the right size and pitch but they didnt fit? might be that the parts place had the bolts in the wrong slot, either way thanks for the list of parts should help a lot.
