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Thanks... but I also don't want to get the reputation of being that guy who freaked out about a magazine, either. rofl

Being known as a guy who brought his car back from what should've been an appointment with a crusher is way cooler. :cool:

I think "All Mustangs all the Time" means every car featured is a Mustang, not the EVERY Mustang is featured ALL the time...

I think "All Mustangs all the Time" means every car featured is a Mustang, not the EVERY Mustang is featured ALL the time...
Good point - I hadn't thought of that angle... simply because not Every Mustang is represented each time, that's for sure. But, I'm sure it's already been tossed around as a potential argument to the unhappy readers over at Mustang360. ;) :D

I think you are dramatically over-reacting. We may not get the glowing and positive coverage you crave in each issue, but it could hardly be fairly described as "hatred" towards 71-73 Mustangs and thier supporters.

Face it: our generation of the original Mustang was then, and is still now the least popular of them all.

That doesn't mean it is UNpopular...just LESS popular than the others. Who cares what the magazines think about our cars? They are not doing it because they love Mustangs...they do it because its a business, and that's how they make money.

They do it for the love and desire of money ( certainly nothing wrong with that), we do it for the love of the car itself, money be damned!

It just isn't realistic to expect them to care about 71-73s as much as we do.

I have nearly every issue of MM since the stone-age...there have been plenty of 71/73-centric articles and features over the years. They probably just don't have as much acceptable and appropriate 71-73 material to choose from as they do for other model years.

If we really want to make our cars stand up and get respect in the magazine, we should all make a concerted effort to get them the info about our cars. Each of us should write a concise and interesting 200-word story about our cars and our stories with and about the car, and include some good quailty photos.

If it peaks thier interest, they may schedule a shoot.

You never know....
Very well spoken kit. I too am an old dinosaur in this hobby as well. Even though I had a '66 K-code as a teenager, when I returned from serving Uncle Sam I bought my '71 Mach as a demo for $2995. So I chose the "big" Mustang over the "small" even then.

What you are saying is true, you can not change anyone's mind by threats (in this case magazines), instead you peak their interest with pictures, stories, questions, etc. In time they might see it as a potential market. My car has been featured in Mustang Monthly twice, the first time I had sent pictures and a write up, the second time I was approached by them at the MCA 45th anniversary celebration. Both times both myself and my car was shown respect and genuine interest.

As this web site continues to grow and evolve it will get noticed. Keep the faith!!

The problem is that a lot of guys with these 71-73 Mustangs need to get them out of their garage and bring them to a car show or a cruise night. Back in 1986 when were in Valley Forge at a National MCA Show their were 30 71-73 convertibles in the class we were in, not counting the daily driver class etc...

You have to put your stories out there send them in to Mustang Monthly etc.. but they like to see your cars at events. If you bring them to a show they might pick your car to do an article on like they picked ours.

A lot of people want their cars in the magazines so it gets seen so they can sell it for more money. Our '73 has been in Mustang Times and Mustang Monthly, but we are always taking our car to shows. they have MCA shows all across the USA so there is no excuse not to get out there and show off your car. I'm tired of being one of the only 71-73 's out there.. you go to the shows and there are more and more new ones let's take our old ones out and keep the new ones home... Sorry love the new Mustangs but they are not Classic Cars yet..... You don't need a perfect car there is a class for everyone..Daily Driver, Modified etc....or even display only.

Who cares what the magazines think about our cars? They are not doing it because they love Mustangs...they do it because its a business, and that's how they make money."

I have a lot of opinions on this but really as Hillary says:

"at this point what difference does it make"

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Who cares what the magazines think about our cars? They are not doing it because they love Mustangs...they do it because its a business, and that's how they make money."
I don't think you can use such a blanket statement, saying there is no love for the car (Mustangs), it's just about the money.

Sure, maybe some, but I imagine there are people there that live and breath FORD....Though, in the long run it's about the bottom dollar. The large majority of the readers are not interested in our 7173s, and I for one could give 2 sh*ts. about what anyone else thinks concerning our cars.

Once again, a statement is made and then someone will misinterpret it to suit thier particular view.

"Who cares what the magazines think about our cars? They are not doing it because they love Mustangs...they do it because its a business and thats how they make money."

Nowhere in that statement does it say that they don't love Mustangs, or that they don't let thier appreciation of them guide them. It only claims that the reason for publishing the mag is primarily for money and profits...personal opinions come after that.

I kinda like this view...It is awesome to come out of a store , pull up at a light, or be getting gas...and have people looking and want to talk about my car and the 71-73's in general. That doesn't happen often with the earlier models, especially the 65-66.

Here is my outlook. I would prefer our cars ARE NOT heavily featured in any cookie cutter magazine. That is part of the beauty of owning a 7173 Mustang. I am perfectly happy our cars were considered the black sheep of the family. I can watch a 65, 66, etc mustang go by, people could care less, I roll by people are staring, giving thumbs up, some people freaking out. We are the kid in the family photo, sporting a Mohawk and a nose ring.
is that an actual magazine cover? If so, I am surprised. It has a few obvious typos on it. And, it has some negatively phrased comments which you will not normally find on a magazine cover

Who cares what the magazines think about our cars? They are not doing it because they love Mustangs...they do it because its a business, and that's how they make money."
I don't think you can use such a blanket statement, saying there is no love for the car (Mustangs), it's just about the money.

Sure, maybe some, but I imagine there are people there that live and breath FORD....Though, in the long run it's about the bottom dollar. The large majority of the readers are not interested in our 7173s, and I for one could give 2 sh*ts. about what anyone else thinks concerning our cars.
For a portion of the above....

did we just same the same thing, with a difference only in the choice of words? :huh:

Pertaining to the remainder? "I imagine there are people there that live and breath FORD". Probably so which is the topic of the thread. They live and breath NEW Fords which is evident by the fact they first captured our attention for continuation of theory that our cars were big, heavy, undesirable cars. This was started by someone, somewhere and the concept caught on by other media outlets. By appearance it seems one guy or organization wanted to be the first guy to review the 71 and went out on the limb testing the public ignorance or by chance proving his own. His guess was spot on...say it and stupid people will believe it just because you represent as an industry professional. If an industry professional states it, must be TRUE. Then everyone else jumped on board because no body took the time to prove him or her wrong. THEY wanted to be right too. Fast forward MM continues to repeat this very basic lie or mis-stated truth to make themselves seem relevant by having the same conclusion of some jerk of the 70's. Again, lets go with popular opinion (even though is was incorrectly publicized) because we may be called wrong if fact checked and displaced a 40 year old myth. That being said, some of us have noted that MM has pushed aside the "undesirable" 71-3 car as a mistake of Fords that is best left in the archives and never to be given attention. The attitude is the younger generation is only interested in the late model cars and that is all we have to do. They give a small dedication to the mid sixties as the birth and bypass the 71-3 and may the late model be king.

As for us? We care, we love the style and unique character and simply misunderstand that MM could give a dang.


how did i do? LOL
How could anybody NOT like the look of that car? I believe most people do as all of us have commented about the tons of interest and questions at car shows or anywhere else we stop and people come over to look.

The bottom line is we like our cars and the general public does as well. This was all about as many have said the people that reviewed thes cars back in the day.

Now it seems that Ford did make a car that nobody liked but it is now collectable. It was named after one of Henry Ford's sons. Remember that car?

all I know is he must have been a not very attractive fellow


call him Ed....


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