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Im willing to bet there are more cars on the road without those parts then there are with so im not gonna go hunting them down. Not doing a full restoration here. Just want a reliable driver.
Thanks. Found my dads old chiltons maual from the 70s. Actually has some good info on setting the carb idle speeds and just saw that my idle is to high. Im gonna set everything back to where i started and go through the carb again.The idle speed is too high, it should be around 650 with a manual transmission and with an automatic transmission in drive. That will contribute to dieseling. You are using the correct procedure to check the timing, just need the idle speed lower.
What you are seeing sounds correct.
I had float issues in the beinning and swapped around a few parts. Old with new etc..... wont hurt to revisit that.Before switching out ignition components I would check the float level.
Didnt do anything other than use hands to bend it. At one point it was touching the head.See post #11. I still think it is a heat issue.
Show us what you did with your fuel line.
Probably boiling fuel, vapor lock. The cure would be to run a carb spacer.
Hard cranking , check cables from the battery and to the starter and also have a good ground connection. Its a good place to start before we start spending your money.
Then I would agree with Canted 393's advice and would add that you may want to consider a heat shield sleeve for the fuel line. However, before spending any money on parts you could try running one tank of race gas through it. Race gas has a higher boiling point than E10 gasoline. If the problem lessens or goes away completely with the race gas you have confirmed it is probably a fuel vapor issue.Didnt do anything other than use hands to bend it. At one point it was touching the head.See post #11. I still think it is a heat issue.
Show us what you did with your fuel line.
Didnt stop to take a pic. But underneath the egr plate is a grove\channel that matches the egr plate. Mine was full of carbon that i used a small brush to clear out. In doing so i noticed that at one end of the grove there is a hole that goes through the intake manifold.Hole in intake manifold under carb? Do you have a pic?
Even though it's a moot point now that you're going 4 barrel, that is where the exhaust gas comes from to recirculate.Here is a pic i found on ebay.
I circled where the passeage goes throug the manifold.