Learn Chinese in 5 minutes


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rofl This reminds me of another one that tells you to tilt your head to the right to read it. I'd post it but it's probably not forum friendly. If you really want to see it you can search for it yourself. Google images: "learn chinese by tilting your head"

Odd thing about Chinese. A person that speaks Cantonese can not understand a person that speaks Mandarin, but the written language is indentical.

That is a very funny list.


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rofl This reminds me of another one that tells you to tilt your head to the right to read it. I'd post it but it's probably not forum friendly. If you really want to see it you can search for it yourself. Google images: "learn chinese by tilting your head"
I have that on a coffee mug. It rocks!

Ha.....good stuff. I was talking to a friend in Judo.... I saw her sitting by the matt...she had coke bottle glasses. "Ju Li ....you cant see can you...."you funny" (she thought I was teasing her about her eyes).....No seriously I didnt know you wore glasses....I no need to see you missah Cahhtah ..... i can feel whey you ahhh"

5th degree black belt ....I could keep her off me but she'd still whoop my hinny
