Congratulations Mike,
Great to see you getting some solid publicity and recognition on the Vert.
I'm sure you must be feeling a very proud and happy man. Well done Sir! ::thumb::
I must be honest, and admit i was inspired by the Nash Bridges TV series when it came out back in the Nineties. I was very taken by Nash's yellow and white Cuda myself.
I thought, yeah, i'd like to own one of those, but when i discovered the asking prices and how rare they were, i quickly put the idea out of my mind. Even thinking of trying to buy a yellow and white '70/'71 Dodge Challenger Convertible as a kind of poor man's Nash substitute car,has turned out to be a kind of dream as well, as it would cost me around $85,000.00 Australian to buy and ship one out to Australia, and put it on the road here. So yeah, our 1,2, 3 Mustang Verts hit the spot pretty well as a darn good concept car to be seen in and enjoy driving around in as well. I get an incredible amount of positive street feedback from folks whenever i'm out and about on the roads where i live.
I remember you were saying a while ago, you were going through a bad patch with the car, and feeling low about the whole thing. I guess it's things like the magazine
article that help puts things back to a more positive feeling about your Mustang. I think it would be fair to say that most classic car owners go through their share of lows and highs while they own their cars.