Quiz: What is wrong with these listings?


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I don't see any sport lamp sockets either.....
Ding Ding Ding!  What else is missing?
I was about to post "the rest of the harness", but you already answered that. Yep, totally wrong harness in the picture.

@Midlife, while you school us,

Aside its for the best car in the world, a quick and easy way to have a clean and safe harness.

Can you enlighten me (us) about the why the harness is that expensive?

Not judging CJ here, just having hardtime to see anything on the pict that justify even 1/2 of that price.

OK...here we go.

(1) No firewall grommet

(2) Where's the major section containing wipers, NSS/BU, engine gauge feed plugs?

(3) No sportslamp sockets

(4) No starter solenoid ring connectors

(5) rubber grommet for fuse box connector plug is not used in 71.

The picture is of a 1970 headlight harness, not a 71.

CJ's is chasing down whether in fact there is both a non-tach and tach version of a 71.  NPD lists only a tach version, and I have confirmed with them that i is a non-tach version.
The suspense is finally over and I can put my glasses away

As it was advertised as a headlamp harness I assumed the wiper/NSS and guages section you needed to splice in and also reuse your firewall grommet

Perhaps if advertised as a complete engine bay harness most members would have picked it up straight off

With my poor eyesight I struggled to find 2 x 3 wire headlamp sockets and the one I can see only appears to have 2 wires

Couldn't see the 2 horn wires either but perhaps a 71 is different than my 72

Anyway thanks to Midlife's vigilance hopefully CJP correct their mistake and also address the outrageous price for an incomplete engine bay harness

@Midlife, while you school us,

Aside its for the best car in the world, a quick and easy way to have a clean and safe harness.

Can you enlighten me (us) about the why the harness is that expensive?

Not judging CJ here, just having hardtime to see anything on the pict that justify even 1/2 of that price.
The wholesale cost is set by Alloy Metal Products and CJ simply adds a percentage to that.  So why is it so expensive?  The 71-73 headlight harnesses are at least 50% more complex than earlier years, and begins to approach the complexity of the 65-68 underdash harness.  AMP has to procure all of the wires, pins, connectors, and mold all of molded connectors, use a very special tape wrapping machine for the adhesive-free tape (which is also fairly expensive), and pay off the engineering costs of designing and building the harness.  The 71-73 products do not have a high demand, which also causes the prices to increase.

I contacted AMP 2 years or so ago, offering some excellent condition underdash and headlight harnesses for them to reverse engineer, and was quite quickly told "no, there is no demand".

There's no love for these cars...

Randy, thx for clarifying.

If they do make all components themselves, that explains a lot. I'm less impressed by the "complexity", I mean, you can buy electronics a lot more complex for much cheaper.

and chances are they have people using something similar to a flat template where they can assemble the wires without really thinking.

But yeah, if you start make own parts like connectors, develop production parts, inject different kinds of plastics. Costs add up.

[There's no love for these cars...]

I don't think its the lack of love for the cars, I think its the lack of love for electric harnesses!

I mean, there are a few thousands cars left, yes, but that's also the niche of cars where owners spend a lot per year. year after year.

The electrics are undervalued. And I confess its only recently that I started look at the "spaguettis" from another perspective.
