R.I.P Jim Marshall


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Dec 23, 2010
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Luxembourg / Europe
My Car
1972 Mustang Convertible
Although this is not a music related forum, I wanna post a thread about a man who defined the sound of rock music like few others did.

Jim Marshall, inventor of the world famous "Marshall" amps passed away Thursday at the age of 88.

Jim Marshall, we salute you!



One of my studio amps


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I attended Woodstock.

I hereby officially declare you my hero!!!!! :udaman:
Well, we spent three days looking for food and water, slept in the car

which was buried up to the frame in mud since we parked in a cow

pasture. Had plenty of cash but no real venue for buying food. Plenty

of drugs for sale and in retrospect I could have bought drugs and

traded them for food. That would have worked. Would I do it again,

Absolutely :p

The highlight of the adventure was giving a ride to a hitchhiking

couple who had gotten married at Woodstock. When they got in the

car I asked where they were headed, they said New York City.

New York City was 400 miles out of my way as I was headed back

to Ohio. At 3AM we dropped them off at a nightclub on 42nd street.

When I asked how to get back to Ohio, the groom said drive three

lights down and turn left onto interstate 80.

